Issues a report of the extensions made.

In the customizable version, TReport, you can set which branches to use in the report if the question Select Branches? is set to Yes. Otherwise, only the report for the current branch is generated.

The report's concept is to print extensions based on table SN4, the field N4_OCORR of which is equal to 09 - Extension, if only one extension is made per Useful Life in routine ATFA155, the system does not create transactions on the SN4, adjusting only the fields N3_TXDEPR1 and N3_PERDEPR in accordance with the new depreciation, therefore not printing them on the report.

In the default setting of ATFR260, the report does not contain columns for fields N3_TXDEPR1 and N3_PERDEPR, so for evaluating these fields, we recommend a report or query that states the current register of the asset, such as asset form (ATFC030), being mindful that field N3_PERDEPR is not used in the default setting of any Asset report, requiring a customization to enable this action.


To issue the extensions report:

  1. In the Extensions report issue window, click Parameters.
    A screen is displayed for you to set report parameters.
  2. Set them in accordance with field help instructions.
  3. Check settings and confirm the printing of the report.