Árvore de páginas


Systems Involved

  • TOTVS Otimização Logística / TOTVS Roteirização e Entrega
  • External System: ERPs that connect or intend to connect with TOL/TRE


Installation/Deployment/Usage Prerequisites

  • Minimum versions

    • TOL/TRE:  6.4.0
    • Protheus:  ?
    • Datasul: ?
  • This integration requires no additional installations or updates.

Requisition Layout

createLocality/updateLocality/deleteLocality: SOAP Integration, Synchronous
regionSourceIdStringYes30Regional identifier;Must be a valid regional;
identifierStringYes30Locality IDThe Locality ID must be unique;
nameStringYes255Locality name
descriptionStringNo1000Locality description
localityRestrictionSourceIdStringNo30Locality constraint identifier;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

Must be a valid Locality constraint; If this information is not sent, the default Locality restriction configured in TOL will be used;


Acronym of the country of the Locality ;

It must be a valid acronym;
addressStateAcronymStringYes2Locality Addres StateIt must be a valid acronym;
addressCityStringYes50Locality Addres CityThe city will only be saved if the state is provided;
addressDistrictStringNo50Locality Addres DistrictThe district will only be recorded if the state and city are provided;
addressStreetStringYes200Locality Addres Street
addressNumberStringNo30Locality address number;
addressComplementStringNo30Complement of the address of the locality;


No10zip code of the Locality ;The value can't be invalid;

- It is possible to configure in the installation of the TOL/TRE an automatic treatment for invalid ZIP sent in the integration;
- There is the possibility of configuring a default zip code in the TOL/TRE for cases where the zip code is unknown;

Locality latitude;

If this field is provided, the longitude of the Locality must also be provided; the value of this field must be in the range -90.0 to 90.0;

- It is possible to configure an automatic treatment of geo-coding in the installation of the TOL/TRE; if this setting is enabled, upon receipt of a Locality , it will be automatically geocoded;

Locality longitude;

If this field is provided, the latitude of the Locality must also be provided; the value of this field must be in the range -180.0 to 180.0;

- It is possible to configure an automatic treatment of geo-coding in the installation of the TOL/TRE; if this setting is enabled, upon receipt of a Locality , it will be automatically geocoded;
logisticRoleIdIntegerYes1Locality 's logistical role (i.e., whether it is origin, destination, or both);1=Both; 2=Destination; 3=Origin;
preferredDestinationLocalitySourceIdStringNo30Identifier of the preferred destination Locality for this Locality ;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

The Locality id sent in this field can be the same as the Locality id sent in the "identifier (locality)" field;

- If customer orders (Locality ) L1 must be delivered to Locality L2, in this case, the ID of Locality L2 must be sent in the preferredDestinationLocalitySourceId field of Locality L1;

isDestinationHubBooleanNo1Flag indicating whether the Locality is a destination hub;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

1=true; 0=false; only Locality s that have a "destination" or "both" logistical role can be destination hubs;


Flag indicating whether the Locality is a transit hub;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

1=true; 0=false; only Locality s that have a "both" logistical role can be transit hubs;

classificationsclassifications []NoN/A

Grouping element of all classifications of a locality;

attributes attributes[]NoN/A

Grouping element of all attributes of a Locality ;

classifications, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations

Locality classification type;


Locality classification value;

attributes, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations

Locality attribute name;


Locality attribute value;

Answer Layout

localityResponse, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations

Grouping element of all results

There must be at least 1 result in this list;


Success or failure flag

result, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations

List of error codes


Error messages


Error table identifier


Success or failure flag

Error catalog



  Arquivo Modificado
Arquivo XML LocalityAcquisitionService.xml 02 jun, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo XML LocalityAcquisitionService Example.xml 02 jun, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo Locality Aquisition draw.io diagram 09 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo PNG Locality Aquisition.png Locality Aquisition exported to image 09 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo R2_LocalityAcquisitionService.wsdl 04 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo XML R2_locality-example.xml 04 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos

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