Árvore de páginas


Systems Involved

  • TOTVS Otimização Logística / TOTVS Roteirização e Entrega
  • External System: ERPs that connect or intend to connect with TOL/TRE


Installation/Deployment/Usage Prerequisites

  • Minimum versions

    • TOL/TRE:  6.4.0
    • Protheus:  ?
    • Datasul: ?
  • This integration requires no additional installations or updates.

Requisition Layout

createProducts/updateProducts/deleteProducts: SOAP Integration, Synchronous
regionSourceIdStringYes30Regional identifier;
Must be a valid regional;
shipperIdStringYes255Shipper ID;This field must be from a valid shipper;
identifierStringYes30SKU ID;The SKU ID must be unique for the same shipper;
SKU name;

descriptionStringNo300SKU description;
productCategoryIdStringNo30SKU Category ID;
This field must be a valid category;
shapeIntegerYes1Shipping Wrapper Form ID associated with the SKU;This field must be a valid form of shipping envelope; 0=Cash; 1=Tube; 2=Coil; 3=Liquid; 4=Undefined;
heightFloatYes13Height of the shipping envelope shape associated with the SKU;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

If the shape of the shipping envelope is "box" or "tube", this field is mandatory and must be greater than zero; if the shape of the shipping envelope is "coil", this field is mandatory and must be equal to zero; for the "tube" shape, the height is the size of the inner diameter of the tube (thus, the width of a tube must always be greater than its height); if the form of the shipping envelope is "liquid" or "undefined", this field will not be considered (i.e., it does not need to be informed);

Length of the shipping wrap shape associated with the SKU;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

If the form of the shipping envelope is "box" or "tube" or "coil", this field is mandatory and must be greater than zero; if the form of the shipping envelope is "liquid" or "undefined", this field will not be considered (i.e., it does not need to be informed)

widthFloatYes13Width of the shipping envelope shape associated with the SKU;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

If the form of the shipping envelope is "box" or "tube" or "coil", this field is mandatory and must be greater than zero; for the "tube" shape, the width is the size of the outer diameter of the tube (thus, the width of a tube must always be greater than its height); if the form of the shipping envelope is "liquid" or "undefined", this field will not be considered (i.e., it does not need to be informed)

weightFloatNo13SKU weight;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

This field must be a number greater than zero;

hlwAllowBooleanNo1Flag indicating whether the SKU can be overturned in the ACL orientation;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

A=Height; L=Width; C=Length; see possible orientations of a SKU; if this information is not informed, the data parameterized in the system (ProductSysParams) will be used;

hwlAllowBooleanNo1Flag indicating whether the SKU can be tipped in ALC orientation;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

A=Height; L=Width; C=Length; see possible orientations of a SKU; if this information is not informed, the data parameterized in the system (ProductSysParams) will be used;

lhwAllowBooleanNo1Flag indicating whether the SKU can be overturned in CAL orientation;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

A=Height; L=Width; C=Length; see possible orientations of a SKU; if this information is not informed, the data parameterized in the system (ProductSysParams) will be used;

lwhAllowBooleanNo1Flag indicating whether the SKU can be overturned in CLA orientation;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

A=Height; L=Width; C=Length; see possible orientations of a SKU; if this information is not informed, the data parameterized in the system (ProductSysParams) will be used;

whlAllowBooleanNo1Flag indicating whether the SKU can be overturned in LAC orientation;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

A=Height; L=Width; C=Length; see possible orientations of a SKU; if this information is not informed, the data parameterized in the system (ProductSysParams) will be used;

wlhAllowBooleanNo1Flag indicating whether the SKU can be tipped in the LCA orientation;

Does not exist in TRE (R2);

A=Height; L=Width; C=Length; see possible orientations of a SKU; if this information is not informed, the data parameterized in the system (ProductSysParams) will be used;

classificationsclassifications []NoN/AGrouping element of all classifications of a product;
attributes attributes[]NoN/AGrouping element of all attributes of a product;

classifications, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations
typeStringYes255Product classification type;
valueStringYes255Product classification value;

attributes, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations
nameStringYes255Product attribute name;
valueStringYes255Product attribute value;

Answer Layout

ordersResponse, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations
resultresult[]YesN/AGrouping element of all results;There must be at least 1 result in this list;
sucessBooleanYes1Success or failure flag

result, data type used in TOL/TRE integrations
errorCodesStringNo30Lista de códigos List of error codesde erros
errorMessageStringNo255Error messages
identifierStringNo30Error table identifier
sucessBooleanYes1Success or failure flag

Error catalog



  Arquivo Modificado
Arquivo PNG Product Aquisition.png Product Aquisition exported to image 09 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo Product Aquisition draw.io diagram 09 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos
Arquivo ProductAcquisitionService.wsdl 04 mai, 2023 by Julio Vinicius Oliveira dos Santos

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