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Este documento compartilha o Release Notes relacionado à plataforma Carol - release 3.26.

    1. Carol Platform

*Activity Management*

**Activity Management with reviewed filter(https://trello.com/c/ahsCyImh)** (<https://trello.com/c/ahsCyImh>)

  • Activity Management received the new filter pattern, making the search more comfortable than before.

*Carol Data Storage*

**Carol supports other file types for base64 fields.(https://trello.com/c/Fn9NJkwn)** (<https://trello.com/c/Fn9NJkwn>)

  • Carol allows storing any file content type in a base64 field. The base64 content should be sent as `data:pdf/pdf;base64,`


**End of life(https://trello.com/c/LKVWAODV)** (<https://trello.com/c/LKVWAODV>)

  • After the consolidation of data synchronization using Filters, Named Query, and Data Subscription, it was decided to determine the end of life for back transformation flow.

*Cost Reduction*

**Carol Admin role allowed to manage an organization's environment limit(https://trello.com/c/eHf2I6y8)** (<https://trello.com/c/eHf2I6y8>)

  • The user Carol Admin can now manage the limit of the environment allowed for an organization.

*Data Model*

**Fields used by Golden Views(https://trello.com/c/FZ4wN0SM)** (<https://trello.com/c/FZ4wN0SM>)

  • The data model flow is blocking the user by removing fields used in Golden Views. This restriction is to avoid causing impacts on the Golden View execution. The maintenance of Golden Views happens through swagger.

**The data model has enforcements to avoid removing fields used in Golden Views.(https://trello.com/c/9aaQM9pE)** (<https://trello.com/c/9aaQM9pE>)

  • The Data Model flow blocks the flow to delete a data model's field when it has a view depending on it.

*Data Processing*

**Data Processing not considering skip rule(https://trello.com/c/FdUym3pZ)** (<https://trello.com/c/FdUym3pZ>)

  • Carol has fixed a bug that was not considering the skip rule defined in a Data Model. Cases on Clock-In were affected by this situation. It is needed to publish the Data Model for existing Data Models.

**Data Subscription(https://trello.com/c/C9hBB0ni)** (<https://trello.com/c/C9hBB0ni>)

  • Data Model is allowing to consume data through the Data Subscription strategy. This flow uses the Pub/sub strategy.

**Field (country) leaking json content(https://trello.com/c/auIA5h2d)** (<https://trello.com/c/auIA5h2d>)

  • It has fixed a situation that some fields, like country, were leaking Json content.

**Merge flow considering the right data version(https://trello.com/c/tS2RV3xV)** (<https://trello.com/c/tS2RV3xV>)

  • The data processing flow was reviewed and enforced to consider the right data's version based on the counter.


**Environment Admin and Org Admin can enable/disable the Address Cleansing(https://trello.com/c/FHHhh3ar)** (<https://trello.com/c/FHHhh3ar>)

  • The environment admin and organization admin can enable the address cleansing if allowed for the organization/environment.

**Organization admin is allowed to manage SMS usage(https://trello.com/c/IfaUPUcV)** (<https://trello.com/c/IfaUPUcV>)

  • Carol allows the organization admin to manage the SMS usage if allowed to the organization.

*Mapping and Cleanse Rule*

**Javascript parses lookup output as Json.(https://trello.com/c/dzC9rx9D)** (<https://trello.com/c/dzC9rx9D>)

  • The javascript cleanse rule injects the result of Lookup functions (staging table and data model) as a Json instead of a Map. This makes it possible to inject the Lookup result directly into a Javascript cleanse rule.


**Organization home page showing wrong CDS storage(https://trello.com/c/Irl77ifE)** (<https://trello.com/c/Irl77ifE>)

  • Carol has used CDS storage fixed. It was a problem just impacting the Organization's home page - no other impact.


**Carol redirecting to the wrong URL(https://trello.com/c/j2fOzmmC)** (<https://trello.com/c/j2fOzmmC>)

  • Carol has fixed a redirection flow that was redirecting users to a wrong URL when accessing the environment type: `clientname.carol.ai.`

**Environments under `global` with redirection issues(https://trello.com/c/ViR2kmSx)** (<https://trello.com/c/ViR2kmSx>)

  • Carol has fixed a redirection issue impacting only environments under the organization `global.` There is a plan to move all environments to the right organization - keeping only internal environments under `global` organization.


**SQL is allowed under the CDS storage type(https://trello.com/c/cGL4M78W)** (<https://trello.com/c/cGL4M78W>)

  • The SQL feature is managed under the CDS storage type if the organization is allowed. All feature is the same.

*User Management*

**Business User and App Admin users are allowed to reprocess golden record(https://trello.com/c/dYBWS1rR)** (<https://trello.com/c/dYBWS1rR>)

  • Carol allows users with thole Business User and App Admin to reprocess golden records. Before, it was returning error 401 (affecting Clock-In app).

**User Data Model integration not considering `Should Send Welcome Email` default's value(https://trello.com/c/uSrvachR)** (<https://trello.com/c/uSrvachR>)

  • Carol has fixed a problem that it was not considering the default value (`false`) for the setting `Should Send Welcome Email` for the User Data Model integration.

Ps.: This deployment is related to the Sprint 3.26, and the deployment happened on October 22, 2020.

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