Páginas filhas
  • Bordereau Issuance Report


The bordereau issuance report aims to present the financial documents (bordereaux) with the original values registered for payment or receipt financial operations from a bill accumulation for the same account/bank institution.

  • Bill balance

The bill balances are only printed in the report if there are partial postings for the bill or bordereau in the same date of the financial document bordereau creation record.

  • Interest, Fine, Discount, Increase, and Decrease

Values for interest, fine, and discount exclusively calculated in the posting operations are not considered in the report. Increase and decrease, although they are a type of interest and discount, are considered in the report because their values are fixed and previously known.


For following payments and receipts, use the Bills payable (FINR150) and Bills receivable (FINR130) reports.





Which portfolio?

Receivable / Payable

This determines the portfolio to be considered for printing the bordereau.

Initial bordereau?

Bordereau's initial number

This determines the initial interval of the range of bordereaux to be printed

Final bordereau?

Bordereau's final number

This determines the final interval of the range of bordereaux to be printed

Consider Branches?

Yes / No

This determines if the report will present only bordereaux from the current/logged-in branch or from a range of branches.

From Branch?

Initial Branch Code

This determines the initial interval of the range of branches to be considered for the bordereau search filter 

Until Branch?

Final Branch Code

This determines the final interval of the range of branches to be considered for the bordereau search filter 

Which Currency?

Currency number

This determines the currency in which to print the values

Other currencies

Convert/Do Not Print

This determines if the bordereaux generated in currencies different from the report currency will be printed

·   Convert = the bordereaux in currencies different from the report currency will have their values converted to the report currency and printed

·   Do Not Print = the bordereaux in currencies different from the report currency will not be printed


    Addition of the accounts payable bill: 04/19/21

    Partial posting of BRL 300.00 in 4/19/21 

    Bordereau generation in: 04/19/21

    Issuance of the bordereau issuance report in the current date or any later date.

    We can notice that the report was printed with the balance.

    Note: If the bill posting was cancelled, the report would print the value of BRL 1,000.00 that would be the new bill balance, even if the bordereau was created with the value of BRL 700.00