Páginas filhas
  • Business Management Import

Convert a company/branch to the Business Management format


Microsiga Protheus


11 and 12

Step by step:

There is a Setup Wizard available to facilitate the configuration of the Business Management routines related to the Company Register, importing from a company register in the company/branch format.

Before performing Company Management Import, we recommend that you back up the Database and the System folder.

Before running the wizard, the target business structure, with Business Management (Company Group / Company / Business Unit / Group), must already exist and preferably have access through this branch to create the dictionaries.

Groups of Companies with a code with more than 2 digits is already considered as a Business Management model.

To use the Wizard:
- Configurator > Environment > Companies > Import / Business Management

- Click Next in the Wizard's opening screen.

- On the "Company Relationship" screen, select the source companies/branches (the current company, without the Business Management) by double clicking on each one of them (in the example, company 11 is the source).

- A new window will open, asking you to select the Target Branch. In the example, Group 01 is the Target company. Select the Target company and click OK. Do the same for each branch of the source company.

- The target company data will be entered in the initial screen where the source company was selected. Click Next.

The user must select all the branches of the same company for a target, otherwise this message will be displayed, according to the screen:

- In the "Data File Configuration" screen, indicate the sharing of the tables related to the Group of Companies created, respecting the existing sharing in the concept of Previous Company. At the moment, also, the tables for Company and Business Unit must be shared. To edit, double-click the icon on the left side of the target company's SX table. The system will load the Data Dictionary screen.

- Choose the desired table for editing.

Never do the Exclusive Branch, Shared Drive and Shared Company, because the system will save the key in the branch as unique and the other sharing will not identify the settings.

Rules that can be configured:

Ac. BranchAc. UnitAc. Company

Rules that cannot be configured:

Ac. BranchAc. UnitAc. Company

- After you finish the sharing settings, click Next.

- On the "Configure Import" screen, inform if the data import will be executed in multi-processes. With the option of multi-process data import, each process imports a different table simultaneously, completing the process in less time.

The use of multiprocessing consumes more CPU, Disk and Network resources from the machines and components involved in the upgrade process.

- Enter the type of import you want and the number of processes to run simultaneously. Click "Finish" to begin the import.

- Upon completion of the import, the new business structure will be ready for use.
