Mensagens de erro AdvPL
- [ERROR][SSL] Unable to receive data. Error zero return
- ADS Error 7013 - Operação Open
- ADS Error 7016 - Operação Open - Corrupt table.
- ADS Error 7041 - Operação Open - File not found
- ADS Error (7022) - Maximum index levels exceeded
- ADS - Replace Error - 5080 The month specified...
- Alias already in use
- Alias does not exist
- Alias - parameter not valid
- argument N error, expected X->Y, function ZZZZZZ
- Array index out of bounds
- array out of bounds
- Array that contains the structure of the ...
- bind error 10048
- Códigos de erro da classe TMailManager
- Ctree error 518 - 'regid' is already registered
- Ctree Error 127 - IO Error 0 - Could not send ...
- Ctree Error 160 - Multi-user interference
- Ctree Error 468 - Index Create - Incremental Index
- Ctree Error 485 - IO Error 14 - Error creating...
- Ctree Error 598 - IO Error 0 - Could not evaluate
- CTree error 13 IsamFIL 6 - Unknown file type
- CTree error 17 IsamFIL 0 - Could not create file
- Ctree error Could not initialize driver DBFCDX
- Ctree Error - Ctree DLL must be version 7.12 ...
- Ctree Error - Open - Internal index name could not be updated
- Ctree error - Open - It was not possible to Check Internal Struct of File
- Ctree - Index Error - problem with field's offsets
- Data width error - Field XXX Value YYY
- DBCreateIndex - Create index file error -
- DBCreate - Invalid numeric field format
- DBRUnlock cannot be called in a transaction
- DBSetOrder - Index not found TTT Order Number N
- DBUseArea - DB driver not initialized
- Environment Config Error - CTREEROOTPATH requires
- erro pthread_create 12
- ERROR - TOPCONN - TC_Blob_Length error
- Filter greater than 2000 bytes
- Function has compilation problems. Rebuild RPO
- InterFunctionCall: cannot find function in AppMap
- invalid field name XXX->YYYY
- Invalid function type. Please check RPO file
- invalid handle used
- invalid property <name>
- invalid random range
- Invalid repository due to an incomplete compilaton
- invalid typecast
- Memory Allocation Failure (memory full)
- Number of locks exceeded - Total 10000 ...
- Open - Ctree Error 13 - IO Error 0 - Unknown file
- Open index error
- Pack function is not supported in DBF with temp...
- Protheus Work area table full Max= 512
- Query greater than 15980 bytes
- Repositório com problemas de compilação
- RPCERROR Process termined by administrator
- SQL2025N An IO error "accessing a file used for collecting explain snapshot information" occurred on media "".
- String size overflow
- String size underflow on fread
- There is no current index
- TLS Initialization Error
- Too many fields in query limit is 255
- Too Many users
- TOPCONN - Create error -15 FILE_IN_USE
- TOPCONN - Create error -19 COMMAND_FAILED
- TopConnect error Insert -27
- TopConn - Error - field value size is not 8 - on SetField - Field <f> Table <t> Value <x>
- type mismatch in array subscriptor
- type mismatch on AliasSelect char expected ...
- type mismatch on XXXX
- Update error - lock required - File ...
- Variable does not exist
- Warning ADS - Index create error
- Work area not in use
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