Connected to: Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - Production With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options Export done in WE8MSWIN1252 character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set About to export specified users ... . exporting pre-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting foreign function library names for user PIMS_PI . exporting PUBLIC type synonyms . exporting private type synonyms . exporting object type definitions for user PIMS_PI About to export PIMS_PI's objects ... . exporting database links . exporting sequence numbers . exporting cluster definitions . about to export PIMS_PI's tables via Conventional Path ... . . exporting table APT_PESAG_FLUXO 0 rows exported . . exporting table ATUALIZADOLOGIN 1 rows exported . . exporting table CPCGRUMOTPAR 4 rows exported . . exporting table CPCMOTPARDESC 5 rows exported . . exporting table CPCPARDESC 2 rows exported . . exporting table CPCPARDESCLOG 3 rows exported . . exporting table FATOR_REDUCAO_VOLUME 1828 rows exported . . exporting table FORMALOGIN 1 rows exported . . exporting table INT_PRODUCAO_EMS 0 rows exported . . exporting table IRRALOCFUNEQUIPE 0 rows exported . . exporting table IRRFAICOMISSAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table IRRREDUCAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table IRRREGCOMISSAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table LOGSENHA 4 rows exported . . exporting table LOGSENHAPROCED 45 rows exported . . exporting table LOGTABELAS 269 rows exported . . exporting table LOGVALIDA 0 rows exported . . exporting table MSICONFI 4 rows exported . . exporting table MSICONFILOG 11 rows exported . . exporting table MSICSIST 2 rows exported . . exporting table MSICSISTLOG 1 rows exported . . exporting table MSIEMPRE 2 rows exported . . exporting table MSIHELP 37 rows exported . . exporting table MSINOMEREL 0 rows exported . . exporting table MSIOCORRE 3384 rows exported . . exporting table MSIPARAD 0 rows exported . . exporting table MSIPARAMETRO 37 rows exported . . exporting table MSIPROGRMAN 0 rows exported . . exporting table OFIDESATAGREG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PCTADIANTAMENTO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROABRANGENCIA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROACAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROACAOCEP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROACUMU 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROAMPCEP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROANALISE 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROANAPADPROD 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROANAPADPROD_CAM 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROANATECN 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROANATECNALC 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROANEISTANQUE 53944 rows exported . . exporting table PROAREAS 30 rows exported . . exporting table PROAREASISO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROARMAZENAMENTO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROASSINATURA 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROBALANCA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROBALMOV 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCADJUST 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROCALCULO 12 rows exported . . exporting table PROCALCULOCOMP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCALENDIND 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCALIPADRAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCAUSACEP 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROCAUSAPAR 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROCENCUSTO 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROCEP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCERTIFICADO 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROCERTIF_LAUDO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCERTIF_LAUDOALC 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCERTIF_LOTES 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROCIDADE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCLASDESVIO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCLIENTE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONFCERTIF 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONFCERTIF_CER 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONFIG 4 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONFIGLOG 18 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONFPERIODOREL 13 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONFRELATORIO6P 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONSULTA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONSULTRASTREABLOTE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROCONVERSA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODATAPROCESSO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODATBOLETIM 3 rows exported . . exporting table PRODATBOLETIMLOG 45 rows exported . . exporting table PRODEPOSITO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODESENHO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODESTINATARIO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODIAGCEP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODIAGNOSTICO 731 rows exported . . exporting table PRODIAGPRODUTOS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODOCREG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRODOMINIO 323 rows exported . . exporting table PRODPPROVARIA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROEMBALAGEM 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROEQPDANIF 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROEQPTOREAGENTE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROESPMETPROD 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROFECHA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROFECHALOG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROFICHAANALISE 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROFONTE 172 rows exported . . exporting table PROFORMU 2012 rows exported . . exporting table PROFORNEC 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROFUNCAO 316 rows exported . . exporting table PROGLCABEC 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROGLDADOS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROGLEMP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROGRAF 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROGRUMATE 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROGRUPRODUTO 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROHISTFORM 120 rows exported . . exporting table PROHORA 52 rows exported . . exporting table PROHTML 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROHTMLCONF 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROINDACAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROINDICADOR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROITRMEMBRANA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROITRVARMEMBRANA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROJUSTIFICA 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROJUSTIFICATIVA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLACRE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLANCA 5801 rows exported . . exporting table PROLAUDOGER 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLAUDOGERALC 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLAUDOLACRE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLEPERIFERICO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOCALARMAZ 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOCALARMAZLOC 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOCALIZACAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOCCONINS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGO 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGO2 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGPERM_USUANPROCESSO 50 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGPERM_USUARE 168 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGPERM_USUEQPTODAN 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGPERM_USUEQUIP 3 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGPERM_USUREL 12 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGREVERSAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOGREVLANCA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTES 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTESANALISE 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTESLAUDO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTESLAUDOS_RELAT 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTESMOV 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTE_ANL_CAR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTE_ANL_CERT 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLOTE_CERTIF 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLPD 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLPDGRUPO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLPDGRUPODETAIL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROLPDRELAT 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROLPDRELATISO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMAXFOR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMAXVAR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMEDICOES 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMETA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMETODO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMINFOR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMINVAR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOENDA 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOENDALOG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOENDAROTACAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOENDAROTACAOLOG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOENDA_LSTROT 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOENDA_LSTROTLOG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMONTELA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMONTELATRD 96 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOTARMAZ 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOTMUDROTACAO 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOTMUDROTACAOLOG 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOVPROD 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOVPRODUTO 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROMOVREAGENTE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRONORMA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROOBJETIVO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROOBS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROOBSDIA 95 rows exported . . exporting table PROORDPRODUCAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROORREL 2516 rows exported . . exporting table PROORRELA3 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROORRELLOG 50 rows exported . . exporting table PROORRELMETAS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROORREL_COMP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROORREL_COMP_MR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPAIS 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROPARAMDIAGPRODUTOS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPARAMETROSEMS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPARENT 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPERIFERICO 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROPESAG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPFJ 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPLAAMOST 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPOLITICA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPROCESSO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPROCESSOEMAIL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPROCESSOEMAILDETAIL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPROCESSOHORA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPRODCOMERC 4 rows exported . . exporting table PROPRODUT 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROPRODUTOS 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROREFERENCIA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROREGACAO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROREGIND 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELAT 34 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELATA3 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELATLOG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELATMETAS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELAT_COMP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELAT_COMP_MR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELAT_DE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELAT_DELOG 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELAT_GERAL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELAT_GERAL_DE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELEMAIL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELEMAILDADOS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELHTML 1 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELHTMLVAR 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELMRTEMP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELPRODTEMP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORELSLPD 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORESPONSAVEL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORESPONSAVELQUALID 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRORETORNO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROROTMOENDA 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROROTMOENDALOG 3 rows exported . . exporting table PROSETRESP 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROSINOTICO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROSMS 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROSMSCENTRAL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROSOLICITANTE 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROSOLICITANTELOG 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROSQL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROSUBCENCUSTO 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROSUBFQUEBRA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROSUFON 453 rows exported . . exporting table PROTANQUES 95 rows exported . . exporting table PROTANQUESARMAZ 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROTELA 1279 rows exported . . exporting table PROTIPOLAUDO 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROTIPONORMA 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROTIPOPRODUT 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROTRANSPORTADORA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROTRDPENDENTE 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROTURNO 3 rows exported . . exporting table PROUF 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUANPROCESSO 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUAREA 15 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUARIO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUARIO_MSIEMPRESA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUEQPTODAN 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUEQUIP 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUGERENC 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUONLINES 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROUSUREL 2 rows exported . . exporting table PROVALANALISE 1 rows exported . . exporting table PROVALANALISE_CAM 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROVARIA 3078 rows exported . . exporting table PROVISOES 8 rows exported . . exporting table PROVISOESHTML 57 rows exported . . exporting table PROVISOESREL 58 rows exported . . exporting table PROVISOESRELHTML 4 rows exported . . exporting table PROVISOESUSU 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROVISOESUSUREL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PROVISOES_PROD 5 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_ANP_TIPOS_PROD 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_APT_PESAG_FLUXO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_BRIX_AEROM 447 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_BRIX_REFRAT 200 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_CABECALHO_CERT 1 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_CARACTERISTICAS_ANP 165 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_CL_GRUPO 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_CL_GRUPO_ITEM 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_CL_LAYOUT 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_CL_MOV 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_DENSI_ACUCAR 950 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_DE_PARA_LOGIN 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_EQUIVALENCIA 1001 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_META_MOAGEM_CALCULOS_TMP 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_META_MOAGEM_HOR_COMBINADA 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_META_MOAGEM_HOR_OFICIAL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_META_MOAGEM_REAL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_META_MOAGEM_VARIAVEL 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_METODOLOGIA_ANP 235 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_SIMP 14 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_UNIDADE_MEDIDA_ANP 101 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_VAPOR 20 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_VAR_MOV 0 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_VAR_PADRAO 168 rows exported . . exporting table PRO_VINHO 18 rows exported . . exporting table SEQUENCIA 46 rows exported . . exporting table STRGRIDORD 0 rows exported . . exporting table X1 0 rows exported . . exporting table X2 0 rows exported . exporting synonyms . exporting views . exporting stored procedures . exporting operators . exporting referential integrity constraints . exporting triggers . exporting indextypes . exporting bitmap, functional and extensible indexes . exporting posttables actions . exporting materialized views . exporting snapshot logs . exporting job queues . exporting refresh groups and children . exporting dimensions . exporting post-schema procedural objects and actions . exporting statistics Export terminated successfully without warnings.