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<div id="main-content" class="wiki-content group"> <p> <img class="confluence-embedded-image" src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/113803509/image2014-6-20%2013%3A52%3A4.png?version=1&modificationDate=1403282989000&api=v2" data-image-src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/113803509/image2014-6-20%2013%3A52%3A4.png?version=1&modificationDate=1403282989000&api=v2"> </p> <h1 id="WCM-Índice">Index</h1> <div class="toc-macro rbtoc1409572840613"> <ol> <li>About WCM <ol> <li>WCM key benefits</li> <li>Pages</li> <li>Layouts</li> <li>Slots</li> <li><a href="http://tdn.totvs.com/display/fluig/Widgets" rel="nofollow">Widgets</a></li> </ol> </li> </ol> </div> <h1 id="WCM-SobreWCM">About WCM</h1> <p>WCM is an acronym for Web Content Management. It is a tool that promotes content management, collaboration and portal management features on the web. The Development Kit software is a set of tools and the technique for the development of software components under the WCM platform.</p> <p> </p> <p>The development model of the components for the WCM platform is illustrated by the figure below:</p> <p> <img class="confluence-embedded-image" src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/113803509/image2014-6-20%2013%3A52%3A4WCM.png?version=1&modificationDate=14032829890001390570345000&api=v2" data-image-src="http://tdn.totvs.com/download/attachments/113803509/image2014-6-20%2013%3A52%3A4WCM.png?version=1&modificationDate=14032829890001390570345000&api=v2"> </p> <p>The two basic WCM components are the infrastructure of pages and the components called widgets. Each page is composed of parts that are called SLOT. The SLOT is responsible for the presentation of the content of widgets. The widget is a software component that conforms to the programming standards defined by SDK. The content is basically composed of HTML code with access to data services, for example, REST or WebService.</p> <p>The widgets are created by Fluig Studio by means of code templates. A widget may submit content related to the site created from the WCM, render ERP components or promote integration with third-party systems.</p> <p>The Fluig WCM also supports themes and layouts, allowing customization of the style and appearance of the main site, as well as of their standard components.</p> <p> <strong style="font-size: 20.0px; line-height: 1.5;">WCM key benefits</strong> </p> <ul> <li><strong>Contents:</strong> Flexibility and agility in creating, posting and updating content.</li> <li><strong>Custom pages:</strong> They allow the construction of custom pages in a simple way without the need of technical knowledge from the user.</li> <li><strong>Widgets:</strong> They allow you to add content on pages through predefined or custom widgets.</li> <li><strong>Permission:</strong> Users can define access and editing of pages, allowing collaboration among users.</li> <li><strong>Layouts and themes:</strong> They support themes and layouts, allowing customization of the style and appearance of the portal.</li> </ul> <p>Pages</p> </div> |
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