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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



Changing some parameters requires the fluig service to be rebooted.




New datasets to display the execution of an evaluation, detailing blocks and questions

In that update, we provide you with new datasets of evaluations, blocks and questions performed. See next:

titleMore information

Go to fluig internal datasets for more details.

titleLearn more

The following documents have been updated to include the setting facilities on the platform. Stay tuned:



New datasets to display the execution of an evaluation, detailing blocks and questions

In that update, we provide you with new datasets of evaluations, blocks and questions performed. See next:

titleMore information

Go to fluig internal datasets for more details.

titleRelated information

There have been some changes to the following datasets:

  • assessmentApplicationGenericDataset –  the following fields have been added: "userMail", "startDate", "finishDate", "requiredScore", "assessmentApplicationId";
  • assessmentApplicationCatalogPreExamDataset
titleRelated information

There have been some changes to the following datasets:

  • assessmentApplicationGenericDataset –  the following fields have been added: "userMail", "startDate", "finishDate", "requiredScore", "assessmentApplicationId";
  • assessmentApplicationCatalogPreExamDataset – field "assessmentId" has been renamed to "assessmentApplicationId";
  • assessmentApplicationCatalogPosExamDataset – field "assessmentId" has been renamed to "assessmentApplicationId";
  • assessmentApplicationCatalogReactionExamDataset – field "assessmentId" has been renamed to "assessmentApplicationId".


  • ;
  • assessmentApplicationCatalogPosExamDataset – field "assessmentId" has been renamed to "assessmentApplicationId";
  • assessmentApplicationCatalogReactionExamDataset – field "assessmentId" has been renamed to "assessmentApplicationId".


New examples New examples of reports

We have also created some reports as an example of how to use these new datasets and they are now available to you. Check them out:




In this session, you can find a list of a few bugs that have been fixed in this update to make sure everything runs smoothly on your platform.

  • Removal of the user’s e-mails from the list of invitations sent via the feature Users' Invitation from the tab Collaboration in the Control Panel.

  • Generation of the number of the new version of a document that has reviews when edited and defines that a new version should be created.

  • Block of a document’s content from being edited  – via Webdav - when it is pending approval.

  • Deletion of the file from the upload directory after you post it using the feature Multiple posting and checking the option "Clear upload directory after posting".

  • The protocol for sending realtime notifications is now websocket and no longer polling. You can also disable polling, which is often necessary in environments with many Internet Explorer 9 customers since its inconsistencies overload the server.

  • Return service of the URL used by fluig Connect to receive notifications and delivery of notifications in environments with AD when there is a case-sensitive difference between the login in AD and login on fluig.

  • Sending of the notification of new posts in communities to members that are common users and have the necessary settings to receive the notification.

  • Sending of the follow-up notification e-mail to the other users of a pool when a member of the pool takes on the task and the option "Notify person in charge" is unchecked.

  • View of form records restricted by members of the community in which the form is posted in the result of a search through the entire platform.

  • Display of the total number of pending tasks in the Task Central tabs.

  • Display of the date translation in a certificate that allows its generation in several languages and which was assigned to a training course.

  • View of the process form that has text area fields as you access it from a received notification.

  • View of only the posts in common when an administrator user accesses another user’s timeline.

  • Loss of the information already filled out when switching between the tabs General information and Version of a question and a required field has not been filled out.

  • Page template Basic available (full slot with 3 slots on the right) to be used as a custom layout template on fluig Studio.

  • Alternatives added for fill-in-the-blank questions without the need to scroll the page to position the cursor whenever an alternative is added.

  • Display of a notification informing that shared content will be unavailable if a shared document is deleted from document browsing.

  • Execution of a scheduled task to delete notifications when there are inactive users that have notifications in the company.

  • Display of the exact date and time in the request movement history in the Task Central.

  • Spelling of the message displayed soon after a request is started asking whether the user wants to start new requests.

  • Export of request queries when the volume of requests is high – around 4,000 requests.

  • Request query determining a request range when Internet Explorer is used.

  • Use of a standard layout with tabs – which was created on fluig Studio and exported - on fluig pages.

  • Search for users by name when moving a request that uses assignment mechanism by group or by role.

  • SCORM content review of training courses or a topic item in classes when you use Google Chrome in MAC OS X.

  • Use of the widget Birthdays – from the Intranet Kit – integrated with RM when it is an Oracle database.

  • Use of the formatting options in the LMS text editor – in training courses, subjects, evaluations, among others – when using the Internet Explorer browser.

  • Search by the name and last name of the person in charge to be assigned to a subject upon registration.

  • Requests moved via Mobile fluig when the process in question has two Parent x Child forms.

  • Options to change the number of tasks displayed per page in the Task Central.

  • Use of the zoom function that displays previously filtered values on a process form moved by fluig Mobile.

  • Movement of a request that has a form and an automatic activity in which the assignment mechanism is by form field.

  • Completion of the Discard action, when moving requests, before a target user is selected after an automatic activity.

  • Display of training courses and classes on the home page of the learning environment when there are more than six items in progress.

  • Search for an evaluation to set it as a pre-or posttest of a training course being registered when using the Oracle database.

  • Editing of the name of a community when it is a long one – over 40 characters.

  • Recording video of the virtual meeting attached to the document that was used at the meeting after finishing it.

  • Upload of documents containing accents in names when Linux or MAC OS is used.

  • Display of the students enrolled in a class that is based on a model class when you go to the feature Manual Score to assign or adjust the students's scores.

  • Synchronization of documents with fluig Connect that were posted on fluig and have single quotation marks in their names.

  • Display of the attribute added to the Knowledge Matrix of the feature Gamification when the authenticated user does not have any points in this attribute.

  • Display of the list of pending tasks that belong to a pool by group when the group name has the character "&".

  • Use of special characters such as "$" in links to posts and comments on a community timeline.

  • Validation of the process form update when the request is moved in parallel activities.

  • Display of active employees in the widget Birthdays – from the Intranet Kit – when integrated with RM.

  • Completion of an evaluation that has a maximum execution time set when that time expires.

  • Access to a user’s timeline when the database used is SQL Server or Oracle, both in fluig and in fluig Mobile.

  • Export of the requests that contain a field with more than 32,000 characters when the option "Add form data" is checked.

  • Release of the content and the posttest of a training course for viewing when its pretest is mandatory and has essay questions.

  • Improper display of an inconsistency message when the administrator user of the company accesses fluig shortly after its installation using the Oracle database.

  • Movement of the process request that was started, saved, updated, and only then sent to the next step.

  • Sending of a notification e-mail when the user belongs to a group related to the subject, but the subject is not mandatory and is not a topic of interest to the user.

  • Authentication via token when sub-folders are queried using the webservice ECMTokenService and the method getToken, entering the token using the method getSubFolder of the webservice ECMFolderService.

  • Target user validation of a process request that starts via a webservice when the start activity should be directed to a pool to a group that can be different for each request and is determined by the ERP involved.

  • Return of the method getDocumentId when it is used in the afterSaveNew  and afterProcessingem events of a process form.

  • Display of the Content Editor widget title when its page is posted.

  • Deletion of the message informing that the filter has been changed and not saved when filters created in the Task Central were alternated.

  • Dataset queries on forms (web and mobile), implementation of asynchronous calls to datasets and improvements in the log for easy viewing of inconsistencies in calls to a dataset.

  • Use of "updatehotfix" to change the user’s e-mail address and IDP, keeping the integration of this e-mail address between fluig and Identity.

  • Change from "Send" to "Move" on the request query screen in the Task Central.

  • View of the  document in checkout in Document browsing.

  • The Analytics job now runs at 10 and 40 minutes of every hour (keeping a 30-minute break between updates) after the dataset of the delayed tasks that is sent to Analytics is up to date.

    titleMore information

    Check out more information about sending data to Analytics in Fluig Analytics Implementation Guide.

  • Creation of a form record using the method createCard  of the Public API.

  • Dataset query assembly exclusively for the Oracle database when the Intranet Kit is used.

  • Extraction of events report data by user from the feature Gamification by period.

  • Page browsing of the feature Manual Score for a subject class.

  • Synchronization when there are more than 50,000 datasets from the option Synchronize now or the task scheduled in the Task Scheduler.

  • Link added to an article text in a community using Google Chrome.

  • Processing of the sending of delayed tasks to Analytics.

  • Getting  the page that directed to the widget ERP Application via the following Javascript command: WCMAPI.getSessionAttribute('ERPApplication_referrer').

    titleMore details

    Get more information in Widgets ERP Application and ERP Container.



In this session, you can find a list of a few bugs that have been fixed in this update to make sure everything runs smoothly on your platform.

  • Removal of the user’s e-mails from the list of invitations sent via the feature Users' Invitation from the tab Collaboration in the Control Panel.

  • Generation of the number of the new version of a document that has reviews when edited and defines that a new version should be created.

  • Block of a document’s content from being edited  – via Webdav - when it is pending approval.

  • Deletion of the file from the upload directory after you post it using the feature Multiple posting and checking the option "Clear upload directory after posting".

  • The protocol for sending realtime notifications is now websocket and no longer polling. You can also disable polling, which is often necessary in environments with many Internet Explorer 9 customers since its inconsistencies overload the server.

  • Return service of the URL used by fluig Connect to receive notifications and delivery of notifications in environments with AD when there is a case-sensitive difference between the login in AD and login on fluig.

  • Sending of the notification of new posts in communities to members that are common users and have the necessary settings to receive the notification.

  • Sending of the follow-up notification e-mail to the other users of a pool when a member of the pool takes on the task and the option "Notify person in charge" is unchecked.

  • View of form records restricted by members of the community in which the form is posted in the result of a search through the entire platform.

  • Display of the total number of pending tasks in the Task Central tabs.

  • Display of the date translation in a certificate that allows its generation in several languages and which was assigned to a training course.

  • View of the process form that has text area fields as you access it from a received notification.

  • View of only the posts in common when an administrator user accesses another user’s timeline.

  • Loss of the information already filled out when switching between the tabs General information and Version of a question and a required field has not been filled out.

  • Page template Basic available (full slot with 3 slots on the right) to be used as a custom layout template on fluig Studio.

  • Alternatives added for fill-in-the-blank questions without the need to scroll the page to position the cursor whenever an alternative is added.

  • Display of a notification informing that shared content will be unavailable if a shared document is deleted from document browsing.

  • Execution of a scheduled task to delete notifications when there are inactive users that have notifications in the company.

  • Display of the exact date and time in the request movement history in the Task Central.

  • Spelling of the message displayed soon after a request is started asking whether the user wants to start new requests.

  • Export of request queries when the volume of requests is high – around 4,000 requests.

  • Request query determining a request range when Internet Explorer is used.

  • Use of a standard layout with tabs – which was created on fluig Studio and exported - on fluig pages.

  • Search for users by name when moving a request that uses assignment mechanism by group or by role.

  • SCORM content review of training courses or a topic item in classes when you use Google Chrome in MAC OS X.

  • Use of the widget Birthdays – from the Intranet Kit – integrated with RM when it is an Oracle database.

  • Use of the formatting options in the LMS text editor – in training courses, subjects, evaluations, among others – when using the Internet Explorer browser.

  • Search by the name and last name of the person in charge to be assigned to a subject upon registration.

  • Requests moved via Mobile fluig when the process in question has two Parent x Child forms.

  • Options to change the number of tasks displayed per page in the Task Central.

  • Use of the zoom function that displays previously filtered values on a process form moved by fluig Mobile.

  • Movement of a request that has a form and an automatic activity in which the assignment mechanism is by form field.

  • Completion of the Discard action, when moving requests, before a target user is selected after an automatic activity.

  • Display of training courses and classes on the home page of the learning environment when there are more than six items in progress.

  • Search for an evaluation to set it as a pre-or posttest of a training course being registered when using the Oracle database.

  • Editing of the name of a community when it is a long one – over 40 characters.

  • Recording video of the virtual meeting attached to the document that was used at the meeting after finishing it.

  • Upload of documents containing accents in names when Linux or MAC OS is used.

  • Display of the students enrolled in a class that is based on a model class when you go to the feature Manual Score to assign or adjust the students's scores.

  • Synchronization of documents with fluig Connect that were posted on fluig and have single quotation marks in their names.

  • Display of the attribute added to the Knowledge Matrix of the feature Gamification when the authenticated user does not have any points in this attribute.

  • Display of the list of pending tasks that belong to a pool by group when the group name has the character "&".

  • Use of special characters such as "$" in links to posts and comments on a community timeline.

  • Validation of the process form update when the request is moved in parallel activities.

  • Display of active employees in the widget Birthdays – from the Intranet Kit – when integrated with RM.

  • Completion of an evaluation that has a maximum execution time set when that time expires.

  • Access to a user’s timeline when the database used is SQL Server or Oracle, both in fluig and in fluig Mobile.

  • Export of the requests that contain a field with more than 32,000 characters when the option "Add form data" is checked.

  • Release of the content and the posttest of a training course for viewing when its pretest is mandatory and has essay questions.

  • Improper display of an inconsistency message when the administrator user of the company accesses fluig shortly after its installation using the Oracle database.

  • Movement of the process request that was started, saved, updated, and only then sent to the next step.

  • Sending of a notification e-mail when the user belongs to a group related to the subject, but the subject is not mandatory and is not a topic of interest to the user.

  • Authentication via token when sub-folders are queried using the webservice ECMTokenService and the method getToken, entering the token using the method getSubFolder of the webservice ECMFolderService.

  • Target user validation of a process request that starts via a webservice when the start activity should be directed to a pool to a group that can be different for each request and is determined by the ERP involved.

  • Return of the method getDocumentId when it is used in the afterSaveNew  and afterProcessingem events of a process form.

  • Display of the Content Editor widget title when its page is posted.

  • Deletion of the message informing that the filter has been changed and not saved when filters created in the Task Central were alternated.

  • Dataset queries on forms (web and mobile), implementation of asynchronous calls to datasets and improvements in the log for easy viewing of inconsistencies in calls to a dataset.

  • Use of "updatehotfix" to change the user’s e-mail address and IDP, keeping the integration of this e-mail address between fluig and Identity.

  • Change from "Send" to "Move" on the request query screen in the Task Central.

  • View of the  document in checkout in Document browsing.

  • The Analytics job now runs at 10 and 40 minutes of every hour (keeping a 30-minute break between updates) after the dataset of the delayed tasks that is sent to Analytics is up to date.

    titleMore information

    Check out more information about sending data to Analytics in Fluig Analytics Implementation Guide.

  • Creation of a form record using the method createCard  of the Public API.

  • Dataset query assembly exclusively for the Oracle database when the Intranet Kit is used.

  • Extraction of events report data by user from the feature Gamification by period.

  • Page browsing of the feature Manual Score for a subject class.

  • Synchronization when there are more than 50,000 datasets from the option Synchronize now or the task scheduled in the Task Scheduler.

  • Link added to an article text in a community using Google Chrome.

  • Processing of the sending of delayed tasks to Analytics.

  • Getting  the page that directed to the widget ERP Application via the following Javascript command: WCMAPI.getSessionAttribute('ERPApplication_referrer').

    titleMore details

    Get more information in Widgets ERP Application and ERP Container.

  • Display of the Slideshow widget content from the Intranet Kit when it is added to the Home page by using Google Chrome.
  • Use of Web Address and Notice Board widgets together in one page.
  • Handling of requests from a process where fluig queries a dataset by submitting some fields of the form.
  • Inclusion of alternatives to multivalued question, keeping the data pre-populated.
  • Use of Classes dataset by returning the discipline to which the class belongs.
  • Return of the code created by the NormalClass and Registration APIs of the LMS.
  • Recording the value reported for the user’s time zone in the LMS.
  • Publication on document browsing when using a volume other than the default.
  • Use of community groups in schemes for assignment by user groups.
  • Use of quotation marks ("") in the text of the Intranet Kit News widgetDisplay of the Slideshow widget content from the Intranet Kit when it is added to the Home page by using Google Chrome.