Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Basic Path


01. From the main menu, click Task Central.

02. Click on the Documents to Approve tab.

03. Select the document you wish to approve. To open, click on its code.

04. To view the posted document, select View Document in the checkbox located on the upper right corner.

05. To view the properties of the posted document, select View Properties.

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The document properties screen displays document data, such as:

  • Properties such as description, author and creation date, among other information;
  • Version/Review Approval History;
  • Document Version Specification;
  • Document Access Specification;
  • Related Document List;
  • Document Relationships.

Click here for more information on viewing document properties.

06. To view social information for the posted document, select Social Information.

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The social information screen shows information such as comments in the document, users that support the document, and sharing status. Click here for more details on social information.


Approve Document


01. Click on Approve Document to approve the document.

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The approval screen is opened upon clicking the Approve Document button. If you do not want to approve the document at this moment, click the Close button instead of the Approve Document button.

02. Select Yes or No.

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Select Yes to approve the document. Or No to reject document approval.

03. Enter a note.

04. Click Confirm.



Speaking of Viewing Documents to Approve...

The Documents to Approve option presents the tasks originated in document posting. These posts require the respective user’s approval.

The approving user must have reading privileges for the document to be approved; otherwise, this user may not access the document for approval.

Approvers may not be changed or added to a folder containing approved posted documents.

Approval by levels allows a folder or document to be validated by other users or user groups. Approval is divided into levels. For example, in case of a document that requires approval by three different areas (e.g. Marketing, Sales, and Financial), the approval process may be divided into the following levels:

1st Level: Marketing
2nd Level: Sales
3rd Level: Financial

The approval process is sequential. Should any of the levels reject the document, it is returned to the publishing user for due adjustments, after which it is resubmitted through the entire approval process.

The platform follows all approval rules defined for the respective document in order to confirm document approval.