Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Basic Path


01. From the main menu, click Task Central.

02. Click on the Documents in Consensus tab.

03. Select the document to be viewed. To open, click on its code.

04. To view the posted document, select View Document in the checkbox located on the upper right corner.

05. Select View Properties to view the properties of the posted document and the respective approval history.

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The document properties screen displays document data, such as:

  • Properties such as description, author and creation date, among other information;
  • Version/Review Approval History;
  • Document Version Specification;
  • Document Access Specification;
  • Related Document List;
  • Document Relationships.

Click here for more information on viewing document properties.

06. To view social information for the posted document, select the Social information option.

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The social information screen shows information such as comments in the document, users that support the document, and sharing status. Click here for more details on social information. 


Change approval decision


01. Click Change approval decision to change the approval/rejection decision.

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The approval screen will be opened after clicking on the Change approval decision button. In case you do not wish to change the document’s approval decision, click Close instead of Change approval decision. 

02. Select Yes or No.

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Select Yes to approve the document. Or No to reject document approval. 

03. Enter a note.

04. Click Confirm.



Speaking of viewing documents in consensus...

The Documents in Consensus option shows the documents that have more than one approver, where the user is one of the approvers and has already approved the document, while the approval of other approvers is pending.

The users defined as approvers should view and reach a consensus about the document’s approval. Users can change their decision if necessary through the Documents in Consensus option.