Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi removida.
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Basic Path


01. In the main menu, press Learning.

02. Click the tab My learning.

03. Press Start.

04. View all classes of subjects that one is responsible for and is also enrolled.

titleLearn more

The classes in which the user is enrolled are displayed in the table In Progress.

The classes displayed in the table Responsible are those for which the authenticated user has some responsibility, such as grading extracurricular activities, approving attempts, adjusting topic scores, among others.


Alternative Paths


Access class as a student


01. In the table In progress, click Access, located in the table corresponding to the class that you wish to access.

titleLearn more

When pressing this option, the monitored learning plan of the student is displayed. Find more information about the available actions in the monitored learning plan in Classes in progress.


Access class as the person responsible for


01. On the table responsible, press Access, located in the table corresponding to the class that you wish to access.

titleLearn more

To press this option, the actions available are presented to the management of responsibilities in classes:


Speaking of start ...

In this section, the authenticated user can access the classes in which are enrolled and manage classes for which they are responsible for.

Those in charge are presented with options that are under their responsibility in each class, such as grading extracurricular activities, approving attempts of executing topics, adjusting grades, among others.