Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Basic Path


01. In the main menu, press Learning.

02. Click the tab My learning.

03. Click History of training/tracks.

04. View the trainings and the tracks that have already been completed.


Alternative Paths


View track or training information


01. In the listing of trainings and finalized tracks, select the item that you wish to view information.

02. View the general information of the selected item.

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General information of track or training as well as information related to the student's situation are presented, such as score and final status.


Generate a track or training certificate


01. In the listing of trainings and finalized tracks, select the item you wish to issue the certificate.

02. Click Certificates.

03. Select the language in which the certificate should be issued.

04. Click Generate certificate.

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When pressing this option, the track or training certificate in question is generated in PDF format.


Enroll again in track or training course


01. In the listing of training courses and finalized tracks, select the item you wish to enroll.

02. Click Request enrollment.

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When pressing this option, the enrollment request is automatically approved or submitted to the approval of the person in charge in case the account to which the student is linked requires approval of the enrollment request.


Cancel request of a new enrollment in track or training course


01. In the listing of trainings and finalized tracks, select the item to which a new enrollment was requested.

02. Click Cancel enrollment request.

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When pressing this option, the enrollment request is canceled.


Cancel new enrollment in track or training course


01. In the listing of trainings and finalized tracks, select the item for which a new enrollment has been requested if you wish to cancel it.

02. Click Cancel enrollment.

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When pressing this option, the enrollment is canceled. 



Speaking about training/track history ...

The history presents all training and tracks that the student has attended and completed.

From the history it is possible to issue the certificate of training and tracks successfully completed and request an enrollment again in case you haven't obtained the score needed to pass or if you simply wish to watch the training again even if you have passed.