Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Basic Path


01. In the main menu, press Learning.

02. Click the tab Manage.

03. Press Contents.

04. View existing contents.


Alternative Paths


Filter contents


01. Click Filter options, located in the upper left corner of the window.

02. Enter the name of the content to be searched.

03. Press Search.

titleLearn more

To undo the filter set and view all contents again, press Clear.

04. View contents according to defined filter.


Add content


01. Press New.

02. Enter the requested information to the content.

titleLearn more

The requested information are:

Name of the content that is being added.

Keywords that will be related to the content. The words must be separated by space.

Turn private use content to the user owner
Checking the box determines that the content is only available to the user who registered.

Description of the content that is being added.

SCORM Version
SCORM version related to the content. The available options are:

  • It is not SCORM: when selected, determines that the content that is being added is not SCORM type.
  • SCORM 1.2: when selected, determines that the content is SCORM version 1.2. Currently it is only possible to use this version.

File corresponding to the added content. In order to search for the file in the workstation, select Upload, on the right side of the field. Next, click on Choose, locate and select the file, and then click on Send. After uploading, click on Back.

When there is integration with Elucidat, two tabs are presented: Upload and Elucidat. In order to include a file from the workstation, simply follow the steps mentioned above but in the Upload tab. In order to include content from Elucidat, click on the Elucidat tab, click on the link of the project you wish to import, and select the version. In order to update the list of projects and versions, click on Reload projects.

Not validating a SCORM content
When checked, it determines that the content of SCORM inserted will not be validated.

03. Press Save; or Cancel to quit the inclusion of content.


Edit content


01. Select the content to be edited.

02. Press Edit.

03. Change the chosen information.

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Find information about the displayed fields in the alternative path Add Content.

04. Press Save or Cancel to discard the changes made.


Remove Content


01. Select the content to be excluded.

02. Press Remove.

03. In the message displayed, press Yes to confirm the content removal; or Cancel to quit the action.


Preview content


01. Select the content to be previewed.

02. Press Preview.

03. View the selected content.

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To close the preview and return to the main content window, click Close Preview.

Speaking of contents ...

Contents are videos, pictures, presentations, text documents, among others, that can be used in training sessions and classes.

The content may be:

  • public: a public content is available to be used in trainings and classes for all users;
  • private: private content is available only to the user who registered.

The types of content that can be registered are:

  • image (with the extensions gif, jpeg, bmp, jpg, among others);
  • video (with the extensions wmv, avi, flv, mp4, among others);
  • file (with the extension txt, pdf, Microsoft Office extensions, among others);
  • SCORM 1.2;
  • SCORM created on the Elucidat tool when there is active integration between it and the platform. More details are available in Integration with Elucidat.

SCORM 1.2 refers to a compressed file that should contain an XML file with the name "imsmanifest.xml" called "manifest" file in its root. The file "manifest" contains all necessary information for the content presentation. The manifest divides the training or the content in one or more SCORMs.

The SCORMs can be combined in a tree structure that represents the content or training, known as activity tree. The "manifest" contains a structure, in XML, representative of the activity tree, as well as information on how to launch each SCORM and, optionally, metadata that describe the training or contents and its parts.

The registration of contents is done by the users who have permissions to manage contents, that is, users that either have permission to create change, remove, or view, or users that have full permission.

The actions related to the management of contents are:

  • create/change content: with this type of permission, it is possible to register and edit personal content and content defined as public;
  • manage all content: the user with permission can create and edit public or private content of other users;
  • remove content: the user who owns this kind of permission can remove contents that are not in use;
  • view content: having this permission, the user can only view existing content and cannot perform any action on them.