Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Basic Path


01. Select the Control Panel feature in the main menu.

02. Access the Documents tab.

03. Click the Subjects option.

04. Click Add.

05. Enter the description.

06. Check if it notifies on deletion.

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The notification is done for all users of the group(s) that are associated to the Subject.

07. Check if it notifies on update.

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The notification is done for all users of the group(s) that are associated to the Subject. 

08. In the Groups table, click Add.

09. Select one or more groups.

10. Click Select.

11. Select the Mandatory option.

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Thus whenever a document is published and associated to a mandatory subject, emails are sent to all users of the group, informing about this publication. Information registered in the Group tab is optional. 

12. Click Add.


Alternative Path(s)


Edit Subject


01. Select the Subject you want to edit.

02. Click Edit.

03. Edit information of the General Information tab.

04. Edit the Groups table.

05. Click Save.


Delete Subject


01. Select the Subject you want to delete.

02. Click Delete.

03. Click OK to confirm the deletion.



Speaking of Subjects...

The use of Subject is a search method, a qualifier. The subject should be associated to the Document Published and to the Users. When a certain document is published, it is associated to the subject that covers it and the user that subscribes this subject receives a notification about the publication/edition of a document with a subject of their preference.

In the subject registration, the records are displayed only for users related to some group of the subject. In case of administrator users, this rule is not applicable and they can view all registered subjects.