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The requested information is:

Acronym for identification of training.

Name of identification of training.

Current training situation. The available options are:

  • Available: When selected, determines that the training is available in the catalog, being possible to plate and associate it with the outline items in groups;
  • Deprecated: When selected, determines that the training is in the process of discontinuation, however, is still allowed to perform enrollments and associate it with the outline items in groups;
  • Closing: When selected, determines that the training is available in the catalog, however, it is not possible to make registration and not associate it with the outline items into classes. The plates that are active at the time the training receives this status remain active and the student's access to he typically occurs;
  • Filed under: When when it is selected, determines that the training is no longer available in the catalog, being viewed only by administrator userscourse continues to be displayed in the catalog, but enrollment requests are no longer allowed. To the students who are currently enrolled, the training course is still displayed and they remain enrolled, but can no longer access its content.

Author of the training.

Training registration cost is deducted from the account to which the student is referenced in the act of registration.

Workload (in minutes)
Training duration in minutes.

Description of the objectives of the training.
