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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.





01. After accessing the class whose waiting list will be managed, press the tab Waiting list.

02. View all users who are on the waiting list, i.e. that are waiting for open seats in the class and have its enrollment done.


Alternative Path


Change priority of a student on the waiting list


01. Select the student who will have their priority on the waiting list changed.

02. In the edit column, press the edit icon on the line corresponding to the student whose priority will be changed.

03. In the order column, enter the new priority of the student on the waiting list.

04. Press the icon located in the edit column.

titleLearn more

To discard the priority inserted, press the cancel icon in the edit column.

05. Press Save.


Remove the student from the waiting list


01. Select the student that will be removed from the waiting list of the class.

02. Press Remove.

titleLearn more

When pressing this option, the student is removed from the waiting list to enroll in the class.






Speaking of Waiting Lists...

The waiting list is used to organize students who wish to attend any class that does not have any open seats. It cannot be shared between classes and has unlimited open seats.


If a class is inactivated, the students are kept on the waiting list without any modification. When the class is activated again, the waiting list goes back into effect and students are enrolled as new seats are opened, respecting the term of the class.


Basic Path


01. After accessing the class whose waiting list will be managed, press the tab Waiting list.

02. View all users who are on the waiting list, i.e. that are waiting for open seats in the class and have its enrollment done.


Alternative Path


Change priority of a student on the waiting list


01. Select the student who will have their priority on the waiting list changed.

02. In the edit column, press the edit icon on the line corresponding to the student whose priority will be changed.

03. In the order column, enter the new priority of the student on the waiting list.

04. Press the icon located in the edit column.

titleLearn more

To discard the priority inserted, press the cancel icon in the edit column.

05. Press Save.

Remove the student from the waiting list


01. Select the student that will be removed from the waiting list of the class.

02. Press Remove.

titleLearn more

When pressing this option, the student is removed from the waiting list to enroll in the class.



titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.