Páginas filhas
  • Judiciary Districts - JURA005 - Legal Management - P12

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Deck of Cards

The fields marked with (*) are required.

Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions in Main Fields.

See also the features available in Other Actions.

Fill out the fields and continue with the options:

  • Courthouse / Court.
  • Venue / Chamber.
  • Sub-venue Register.
  • Close (to exit without saving the addition).
  • Save and Create New (saves the addition and keeps the form for a new addition).
  • Confirm (saves the addition and returns to the start screen).

Then the system displays the screen Do You Wish To Restrict This Register? Enter Yes or No.


To edit, find the item you wish to edit.

Some fields are shaded, which means they cannot be edited.

Fill out the data in accordance with the instructions found in Main Fields.

See also the features available in Other Actions.

After the adjustments, click:

  • Close (to exit without saving the edition).
  • Save and Create New (to save the edition and keep the form for a new addition).
  • Confirm (to save the edition and return to the start page).

Upon access, the routine displays all the registers created.

To delete, first find the item you wish to delete.

Click option Other Actions / Delete.

At the top of the screen, view this shaded message:

Are you sure you wish to delete the item below?

You cannot undo this option after confirming the deletion.

Be sure before you continue, then click:

  • Close (to exit without saving the deletion).
  • Confirm (to delete the item and return to the start screen).

Upon access, the routine displays all the registers created.

To view the information registered, first place the mouse cursor on the item and click option View at the top left of the screen.

In this option, you cannot make changes.



You can search using filters to organize the data, based on the index selected, considering, for example, the branch+code.


labelUse CNJ Register

Access Other Actions / Use CNJ Register

Ao acionar esta opção o sistema se conecta a um WebService CNJ e verifica se existem dados cadastrados, e quando não houver, faz a inclusão.

Accessing this option connects the system to a CNJ WebService and checks whether registered data exist. When none is found, it adds the data.

When Judiciary Districts exist, but no masks, the system downloads them and displays a message for the completion of the From/To register.

Quando existam Comarcas mas não há máscaras, estas são baixadas e o sistema exibe uma mensagem para que seja completado o cadastro

Quando existam Comarcas e Máscaras (De/Para) e todos os registros De/Para foram localizados, o sistema faz a verificação e se houver novos registros de Comarcas e Máscaras estes são baixados.

When Judiciary Districts and Masks (From/To) exist and all From/To records are located, the system checks for new Judiciary District and Mask records and downloads them.

When Judiciary Districts and Masks (From/To) exist and all From/To records are not found, the system downloads the new records and requests the completion of From/To items, which in this case is not automaticQuando existam Comarcas e Máscaras (De/Para) e não foram localizados todos os registros De/Para, o sistema baixa novos registros e solicita o preenchimento dos itens de De/Para, que nesta situação não é automático.

Main Fields


1- 1st Level.

2- 2nd Level.

3- Higher Court.
