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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


It is also possible to export the process documentation, generating a document with information referring to the process and its activities or the process flow image.


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<a id="toggleAll" href="#" >Expand/hide additional information. </a>
 <script type="text/javascript">
 var abertos = 0;
 var fechados = 0;
 function contador() {
    abertos = 0;
    fechados = 0;
    jQuery(".expand-control").each( function() {
		if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className != "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {
        } else {
 AJS.toInit(function() {
	var soma = abertos + fechados;
	$("#toggleAll").html('Expand/hide ' + soma  + ' additional information.');

    AJS.$('#toggleAll').click(function() {
        if (abertos >= fechados) {
                function() {
                    if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className == "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {
        } else {
                function() {
                    if (document.getElementById(this.id).children[0].className != "expand-control-icon icon expanded") {

Basic Path


01. Select the Configure Processes feature in the main menu.

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The shortcut for the Configure Processes feature is available in the main menu through the Processes icon.

02. Select the process where you want to configure activities and flows.

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You can only edit activities and flows of a process that is in edit mode. 


01. Drag the Start element from the side menu to the desired location in the process design area.

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Start is the initial activity of a process and it indicates where its flow starts. When a new process request is started, it will be the first activity to be run. 

02. Click the Property option of the Start element.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible. 


06. In the Instructions field, enter instructions that help understanding the activity.

titleLearn more

When preparing the instructions of an activity, it is common to need to search for information of other files or sites.

The platform has the concept of hyperlink that allows you to add accesses to platform documents and also to Internet addresses through external documents; thus, avoiding information replication and making browsing easy. So you need to enter the [WD:999999] tag, where 999999 should be substituted by the document code in the platform.

07. Select the Working Hours.

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The working hours refer to the working hours registered in the platform. The working hours are used for calculating deadlines and arrears of the process activities. For example, if the working hours were configured as being from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and there is an activity that lasts for 1 hour that was created at 5:30 p.m. of a Tuesday, its conclusion deadline will be on Wednesday at 8:30 am, due to the Working Hours. 

08. Select an Assignment Mechanism to be considered in the user selection for running the activity.

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It will only display the types of allocation mechanism that can be used in Start type activities.

When an assignment mechanism is selected for a Start activity, only users returned by the mechanism can start a process request.

09. Click the Configure option to perform the assignment mechanism configuration selected.

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When using an assignment mechanism, you need to detail the information to be considered in it for its correct functioning. For more details, check the Assignment Mechanisms feature. 

10. Enter the activity conclusion deadline.

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The value in hours is considered, along with the working hours selected, to calculate the conclusion deadline limit of the activity. This deadline is considered from the activity receipt. 

11. If it is necessary to confirm the password for this activity, select the Confirm Password option.

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If it is already checked in the process configuration, this option will come disabled. When advancing from the activity that has password confirmation, the password of the user who is running the task will be requested. If the password is invalid, the user running the activity can try as many times as required. The process movement will only happen when the running user enters the password correctly. In the process history screen, it will contain an indication that the user confirmed the password in the activity movement in the request.
: The activities checked for password confirmation use cannot be automatized by WebServices. 

12. If it is necessary to inhibit the activity execution transfer, select the option Inhibits Transfer Option..

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When checked, the option Inhibits Transfer Option avoids activity execution from being transferred to another user. 

13. If the activity needs to be run by more than one user, check the Joint Activity option.

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That way the activity will only be considered closed and the request moved when the % of consensus provided is reached. 

14. If the Joint activity option is checked, enter the consensus percentage required to consider the activity as closed.

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The Consensus % field is only used when it is a joint activity. 

15. Select an option in the Select Users field to define when the users should be selected at the assignment moment for this activity.

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The available options are:

  • Always: When checked, it defines that you always need to select for which user this activity should be assigned.
  • When there is more than one option: When selected, it defines that only when there is more than one user listed, you need to select to which one of them the activity should be assigned.
  • Never (valid for joint activity only): When selected, it determines this activity will be assigned to all users listed by the assignment mechanism.

Important: When the Never option is selected (valid for joint activity only), the Joint Activity field is checked automatically and the Consensus % should also be entered.


17. Check if person responsible is notified.

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If this option is checked, the person responsible for the activity in question will be notified by email about the activity start. 

18. Check if requisitor is notified.

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If this option is checked, the request requisitor will be notified by email about the activity start. 

19. Check if manager is notified.

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If this option is checked, the process manager will be notified by email about the activity start. 


21. Check if the person responsible is notified about the activity in arrears. If checked, enter the tolerance and notification frequency.

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If this option is checked, the person responsible for the activity in question will be notified by email that the activity in question is in arrears.
The value entered in the Tolerance field will be the time that platform will wait after the activity deadline expiration to start to send the in arrears notification e-mail, and the value entered in the Frequency field will be the time range between each in arrears notification e-mail send. 

22. Check if the requisitor is notified about the activity in arrears. If checked, enter the tolerance and notification frequency.

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If this option is checked, the request requisitor will be notified by email that the activity in question is in arrears. The value entered in the Tolerance field will be the time that platform will wait after the activity deadline expiration to start to send the in arrears notification e-mail, and the value entered in the Frequency field will be the time range between each in arrears notification e-mail send. 

23. Check if the manager is notified about the activity in arrears. If checked, enter the tolerance and notification frequency.

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If this option is checked, the process manager will be notified by email that the activity in question is in arrears. The value entered in the Tolerance field will be the time that platform will wait after the activity deadline expiration to start to send the in arrears notification e-mail, and the value entered in the Frequency field will be the time range between each in arrears notification e-mail send. 


25. Select the activity Effort Calculation type.

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The available options are:

  • Do not control effort: When selected, it determines that the effort should not be controlled. In this situation, it will not be possible to use indicators in CAP that consider the activity effort and cost.
  • Based on Estimated Effort: When it is selected, it determines the effort estimated for the calculation will be considered. This value is coming from the Expected Effort field.
  • Based on the Annotations of Hours: When it is selected, it determines the effort entered in the annotation of hours will be considered. In this situation, the user must enter the quantity of hours worked in the activity to finish the task.
  • Based on End Time: When it is selected, it determines the end time as activity effort will be considered. It considers as end time the time when the activity has remained with the user, considering the working hours and holidays.

For more details of CAP resource use, check the Process Analysis Center feature.

26. If the Effort Calculation type is different of Does Not Control Effort, enter the Expected Effort..

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The expected effort is the quantity of hours expected for performing the activity. 


01. Drag the Activity element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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The activity defines a task/action that should be done in the process flow. 

02. Click the Property option of the Activity element.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible. 


06. In the Instructions field, enter instructions that help understanding the activity.

Learn more

When preparing the instructions of an activity, it is common to need to search for information of other files or sites.

The platform has the concept of hyperlink that allows you to add accesses to platform documents and also to Internet addresses through external documents; thus, avoiding information replication and making browsing easy. So you need to enter the [WD:999999] tag, where 999999 should be substituted by the document code in the platform.

07. Select the Working Hours.

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The working hours refer to the working hours registered in the platform. The working hours are used for calculating deadlines and arrears of the process activities. For example, if the working hours were configured as being from Monday to Friday, from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m., and there is an activity that lasts for 1 hour that was created at 5:30 p.m. of a Tuesday, its conclusion deadline will be on Wednesday at 8:30 am, due to the Working Hours.

08. Select an Assignment Mechanism to be considered in the user selection for running the activity.

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It will only display the types of allocation mechanism that can be used in common activities. 

09. Click the Configure option to perform the configuration of the assignment mechanism selected.

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When using an assignment mechanism, you need to detail the information to be considered in it for its correct functioning. For more details, check the Assignment Mechanisms feature. 

10. Enter the activity conclusion deadline.

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The value in hours is considered, along with the working hours selected, to calculate the conclusion deadline limit of the activity. This deadline is considered from the activity receipt. 

11. If it is necessary to confirm the password for this activity, select the Confirm Password option.

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If it is already checked in the process configuration, this option will come disabled. When advancing from the activity that has password confirmation, the password of the user who is running the task will be requested. If the password is invalid, the user running the activity can try as many times as required. The process movements can only occur when the executor user enters the password correctly. In the process history screen, it will contain an indication that the user has confirmed the password in the activity movement in the request. Important: The activities checked for password confirmation use cannot be automatized by WebServices. 

12. If it is necessary to inhibit the activity execution transfer, select the option Inhibits Transfer Option.

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When checked, the option Inhibits Transfer Option avoids activity execution from being transferred to another user. 

13. If the activity needs to be run by more than one user, check the Joint Activity option.

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That way the activity will only be considered closed and the request moved when the % of consensus provided is reached. 

14. If the Joint activity option is checked, enter the consensus percentage required to consider the activity as closed..

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The Consensus % field is only used when it is a joint activity. 

15. Select an option in the Select Users field to define when the users should be selected at the assignment moment for this activity.

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The available options are:

  • Always: When checked, it defines that you always need to select for which user this activity should be assigned.
  • When there is more than one option: When selected, it defines that only when there is more than one user listed, you need to select to which one of them the activity should be assigned.
  • Never (valid for joint activity only): When selected, it determines this activity will be assigned to all users listed by the assignment mechanism.

Important: When the Never option is selected (valid for joint activity only), the Joint Activity field is checked automatically and the Consensus % should also be entered.


17. Check if person responsible is notified.

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If this option is checked, the person responsible for the activity in question will be notified by email about the activity start. 

18. Check if requisitor is notified.

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If this option is checked, the request requisitor will be notified by email about the activity start. 

19. Check if manager is notified.

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If this option is checked, the process manager will be notified by email about the activity start. 


21. Check if the person responsible is notified about the activity in arrears. If checked, enter the tolerance and notification frequency.

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If this option is checked, the person responsible for the activity in question will be notified by email that the activity in question is in arrears. The value entered in the Tolerance field will be the time that platform will wait after the activity deadline due date to start to send the arrears notification e-mail and the value entered in the Frequency field will be the interval of time between the sends of each arrears notification e-mail. 

22. Check if the requisitor is notified about the activity in arrears. If checked, enter the tolerance and notification frequency.

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If this option is checked, the request requisitor will be notified by email that the activity in question is in arrears. The value entered in the Tolerance field will be the time that platform will wait after the activity deadline due date to start to send the arrears notification e-mail and the value entered in the Frequency field will be the interval of time between the sends of each arrears notification e-mail.

23. Check if the manager is notified about the activity in arrears. If checked, enter the tolerance and notification frequency.

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If this option is checked, the process manager will be notified by email that the activity in question is in arrears. The value entered in the Tolerance field will be the time that platform will wait after the activity deadline due date to start to send the arrears notification e-mail and the value entered in the Frequency field will be the interval of time between the sends of each arrears notification e-mail.


25. Select the activity Effort Calculation type.

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The available options are:

  • Do not control effort: When selected, it determines that the effort should not be controlled. In this situation, it will not be possible to use indicators in CAP that consider the activity effort and cost.
  • Based on Estimated Effort: When it is selected, it determines the effort estimated for the calculation will be considered. This value is coming from the Expected Effort field.
  • Based on the Annotations of Hours: When it is selected, it determines the effort entered in the annotation of hours will be considered. In this situation, the user must enter the quantity of hours worked in the activity to finish the task.
  • Based on End Time: When it is selected, it determines the end time as activity effort will be considered. It considers as end time the time when the activity has remained with the user, considering the working hours and holidays.

For more details of CAP resource use, check the Process Analysis Center feature.

26. If the Effort Calculation type is different of Does Not Control Effort, enter the Expected Effort.

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The expected effort is the quantity of hours expected for performing the activity.


01. Drag the End element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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The End element indicates the process flow end. All process must have at least one End.

02. Click the Property option of the End element..

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible.


04. Check if person responsible is notified.

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If this option is selected, the person responsible for the activity in question will be notified by email about the end of the request.

05. Check if requisitor is notified.

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If this option is selected, the requisitor will be notified by email about the end of the request.

06. Check if manager is notified.

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If this option is checked, the process manager will be notified by email about the request end.

07. Click Confirm.


Add Automatic Activity

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The default flow indicates an automatic activity action, which happens when none of the defined conditions are met. For more details, go to Flows.


01. Drag the Automatic element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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The automatic activity is a mechanism that, depending of the result obtained, determines to what activity, among the possible ones, the process flow should be forwarded.

02. Click the Automatic element Property option.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible.


04. Access the Conditions tab.

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In the Conditions tab, you will enter the conditions that will give the activity an automatic behavior. The condition should be entered as well as the target activity of this condition and the assignment mechanism, this last one is optional.
Important: The automatic activity output flows should already be defined so it will be possible to configure their conditions. If a condition is not informed, the platform will assume this condition to be "false".

05. Click the Add button.

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It is also possible to edit an existing condition by pressing the Edit button or remove an existing condition by pressing the Remove button.
Important: the platform will obey the addition order of the conditions to execute them, so the request will be moved to the activity defined in the first true condition found.

06. Enter the logic expressions for the condition.

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The logic expressions can have the format of any logic expression that is used in JavaScript language. The return of these expressions must be a logic value.
Important: The expression configuration of an automatic activity must only be executed after the process activity flow registration.

07. Among the process activities, select which one should be the Target activity.

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The target activity will be activity for the request that will be moved when the condition in the question is true.

08. Select an Assignment Mechanism to be considered in the user selection for running the target activity.

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It will only display the types of allocation mechanism that can be used in automatic type activities.

The configuration of an assignment mechanism for a condition is optional.

If the assignment mechanism is selected, it will be used along with the target activity assignment mechanism to define the person responsible for the activity by returning a group of common users between the two assignment mechanisms.

If an assignment mechanism is not selected, only the target activity assignment mechanism will be used.

09. If an assignment mechanism is selected, click the Configure option to execute the selected assignment mechanism configuration.

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When using an assignment mechanism, you need to detail the information to be considered in it for its correct functioning. For more details, check the Assignment Mechanisms feature.


01. Drag the Subprocess element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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The Subprocess means processes that are part of a main process.

02. Click the Subprocess element Property option.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible.


05. Among the available processes, select which one should be used as Subprocess.

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Any process added to platform can be used as a Subprocess. When the request is moved for the Subprocess, the main process request is ended and a new Subprocess request is created. If the movement flow allows return, when the main process request is moved to the subprocess, a new request for the subprocess is created and the main process request will be blocked until the end of the subprocess request. As soon the subprocess request ends, the main process request is moved to the activity previous to the subprocess and its execution can continue.

06. Check if it transfers attachments.

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When the Transfer Attachments option is selected, all attachments present in the main process request will be copied to the new request that will be created for the subprocess.


01. Drag the Fork element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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Fork represents the start of parallel activities, all activities and flows that are after Fork and before Join will be executed in parallel.

02. Click the Property option of the Fork element.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible.


01. Drag the Join element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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Join represents the end of parallel activities. All flow that comes from a Fork in some moment of the process should go to a Join. When there are pending parallel activities, the process is positioned in Join until all activities end. When the tasks end, the process is moved automatically to the next activity.


01. Drag the Note element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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The Note element is used to provide additional information in the process diagram.

02. Click the Property option of the Note element.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible.

03. Enter the note.

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When the note is added to the design area, a text box is displayed where it is also possible to enter the note.


01. Drag the Swimlane element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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The Swimlane element is used to visually represent a process flow participant entity. So it is possible to organize the activities according to the entity responsible for their executions, making it easy to view and understand the process flow.

02. Click the Property option of the Swimlane element.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible.


01. Drag the Document element from the side menu to the desired place in the process design area.

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The Document element is used to provide an access to a certain platform document of platform in the process diagram.

02. Click the Document element Property option.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible.

03. Select a document.

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To select a document, the magnifying glass icon must be pressed and browse the folders and documents in the screen displayed. When you find the desired document, select it and click the Select button.


01. Click the Source element Flow option.

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Flows are mechanisms that define to which activity the process may follow. To click the Flow option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the options will be visible. Important: The Subprocess and End elements can only be used as target activity. When this procedure is done in the Document and Note elements, a flow will not be created, but an association will, since they are not considered process activities.


03. Click the Property option of the created flow.

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To click the Property option, you need to move the mouse over the element so the option will be visible.

04. In the Flow Activity field, enter the text to be used to identify the source activity advance action for the target activity in the process flow.

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The entered text is displayed as action option to the user at the moment of the source activity execution. It is optional and if it is not entered, the target activity name will be used.

05. If necessary, select the Automatic Flow option.

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When selected, it determines the activity will be moved automatically to the target activity when its end deadline is overdue. For this to happen, it is necessary to configure a schedule of Automatic Flow type. For more details about how to configure a schedule, check the Task Scheduler feature.

06. If necessary, select the Allow Return option.

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When selected, it determines the target activity can perform a return action to the source activity.

07. In the Flow Activity field, enter the text to be used to identify the target activity return action for the source activity in the process flow.

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The entered text is presented as an action option to the user at the moment of the target activity execution. It is optional and if it is not entered, the source activity name will be used.
