Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


The synonyms are considered in the indexation and search for documents by contents. They allow searches to be done by terms that are not explicitly mentioned in the documents, but that are equivalent.


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Basic Path


01. Select the Control Panel feature in the main menu.


06. Check if it is irrelevant.

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Irrelevant terms are words not considered at the moment of indexation and search for documents by content. These terms correspond basically to articles, pronouns and prepositions, however, this function allows the registration of any term as irrelevant. Relevant terms are words considered for creating synonyms. Both the relevant term and the synonym are considered in the indexation and search for documents by content. 


01. Select the Term you want to delete.

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A term cannot be deleted if it is associated as synonym of another term. 


04. Select a term to associate as synonym in the "Not Synonyms" table, located on the left.

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Only relevant and registered terms in the language selected are displayed for selection. 


04. Select a term to remove from the "Synonyms" table, located on the right.

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Only relevant and registered terms in the language selected are displayed for selection.
