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Speaking of work groups...


Responsible for group work can also join a group as a student, since this has been defined in item configuration topic.


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Basic path



01. View the received invitations to participate in work groups in the tab Pending invitations and the current work groups for group work on the topic item in question in Current groups.






Accept invitation to take part in a work group


01. In the tab Pending invitations, click Accept on the right corner of the window next to the name of the work group in which you wish to take part.



Decline invitation to take part in a work group


01. In the tab Pending Invitations, click Decline on the right corner of the window next to the name of the work group whose invitation you wish to decline.



Create work group


01. In the work group window, click Create group.


03. , Members tab, press Invite, located next to the name of the student you want to invite to participate in the working group.

titleLearn more

To cancel an invitation sent by simply trigger Uninvite, located next to the student's name to which you want to cancel the invitation to participate in the working group. 

04. Press Save.



Edit work group


01. In the work group window, click Edit Group.

02. Make the desired changes.

titleLearn more

Find information about the fields displayed in the alternative path create work group. 

03. Press Save to confirm the changes; or Cancel to discard them, if desired.


02. Show existing work groups and users who still don't participate in any group.



Start group work


01. In the work group window, click Start work.

Learn more

This option is only displayed after you participate in a work group, creating one or accepting the invitation to participate in one.

To activate this option, the window in which you can perform the activity in conjunction with the Working Group in which it participates. Find more information in Group work. 



titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid from the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.
