Árvore de páginas

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Restrict the list of users when assigning a task. This filter is carried out using the assignment mechanisms available.


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Basic Path


01. In the Control panel feature, click the General tab and click on Roles.

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There are two ways of associating a workflow role with a user:

1s by the role itself.

2nd by the Users/Edit/Register Roles/Add button option.


04. Enter the users who will be part of this role.

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If necessary, it is possible to remove a user any moment while creating the role, just select the user and click Remove. 

05. To add more information, you should click Register Additional Information.

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It is possible to add specific fields for a group.

E.g.: Department to which this role and/or Person responsible belongs (a coordinator or director).


04. In Users of role, click Add.

05. Enter the user.

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If you want to delete a determined user from the role, select the user and click Remove.

06. Click Save.


Delete Roles


01. Select the role you want to delete.

02. Click Delete.

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It is not possible to delete roles with related users.
