Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • My learning: this tab displays user active enrollments in training/tracks or in classes/subjects, the history of the courses that they attended and their extracurricular activities;
  • Learning activities: displays all of the authenticated user’s learning tasks, classified by date of completion and with the actions that can be executed in each type of task, such as answering an evaluation, accessing a track or a training course, accessing an event’s virtual room, among others;
  • Subjects and Classes: it allows for viewing the catalog of available subjects/classes, enabling users that have such permission to both manage and enroll in the chosen courses.



This documentation is valid from update 1.6.12 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.
