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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.



This tab allows the user to configure the submission of values in form fields between a process and a subprocess. Thus establishing the fields that come from the parent process and go to the child process, and from the child process going to the parent process. Both parent and child processes should have a created form so that the sending of values and their respective directions can be set.
This allows the user to transfer information between parent and child processes in a simple and transparent way.

Here is an example of the directions that indicate source and destination of the information:

1st transfer the value from the parent field (source) to the child field (destination): Name-> User name.
2nd transfer the value from the child field (source) to the parent field (destination): Name<- User name.
3rd transfer and return the value of the field (both transfer the value from one to the other): Name<-> User name.

Information from the columns:

Process fields
Fields to be used from the form created in the parent process. Select a field from the parent form to relate the fields.

Direction that indicates the information flow between the process and sub-process fields. When clicking it, it changes the source and destination of the relationship with the fields.

Subprocess fields
Fields to be used from the form created in the child process. Select a field from the child form to relate the fields.

Indicates the confirmation that the new relationship between the process and subprocess fields was created.

The New button allows adding new sending of values between process and subprocess. It is also possible to Edit or Delete a field relationship via the icons located in the right corner of the tab. The system does not allow relating two process fields with the same direction

05. Click Confirm.










Configure Fork


01. Drag the Fork element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.


Fork represents the start of parallel activities. All activities and flows that are after Fork and before Join will be performed in parallel.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.


To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. Enter a name (optional).

04. Click Confirm.


Configure Join


01. Drag the Join element from the side menu to a location in the process flow modeling area.


Join represents the end of parallel activities. All flows that come from a Fork at some point in the process should go to a Join. Whenever there are pending parallel activities, the process is placed in Join until all activities are completed. When the tasks are completed, the process is moved automatically to the next activity.

02. Place the mouse on the element and click Configure, represented by a gear.


To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

03. Enter a name (optional).

04. Click Confirm.


Configure Flows


01. Place the mouse on the source element of the flow.

02. Click the Flow option, represented by an arrow, from the source element to the target element


Flows are mechanisms that define to which activity the process may follow

titlePlease note!

The End element can only be used as a target activity.

When this procedure is done in the Document and Note elements, a flow will not be created, but an association will, since they are not considered process activities.

03. Place the mouse on the Flow element and click Configure, represented by a gear.


To delete the element from the process diagram, simply click Delete, represented by a bin.

04. Define the required information.


Name to be assigned to the flow.

Flow activ.
Text to be used to identify the advance action from the source activity to the target activity in the process flow. The entered text is displayed to the user as an action option when performing the source activity. That is optional and, if it is not entered, the target activity name will be used.

Automatic flow
When it is checked, the activity will be moved automatically to the target activity when its deadline expires. For this to happen, configure an Automatic Flow scheduling. For more details on how to configure scheduling, see Task Scheduler.

Allows return
When checked, it is possible to return the request from the target activity to the source activity.

Return activ
Text to be used to identify the advance action from the target activity to the source activity in the process flow. The entered text is displayed to the user as an action option when performing the target activity. That is optional and, if it is not entered, the source activity name will be used. This field is enabled only when the Allow return option is checked.

05. Click Confirm. 




This documentation is valid from update 1.5.10 on. If you use an earlier version, it may contain information different from what you see in your platform.




