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DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

Page that groups the features from the Registrations item belonging to the Learning item in the main menu.PAGERegistrations - pageadminenrollFor details, go to Page permission options.


Page and widget of the Register users feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that allow registering users.PAGERegister users - pageenrollusersFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETRegister usersFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permissions for actions related to registering users.LMSENCLearning - Registrations
  • Cancel registrations in training courses/tracks: when enabled, allows users to cancel their own registration in training courses and tracks that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the items in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Cancel registration in classes: when enabled, allows you to cancel your own registration in classes that are part of the learning plan. Users who have this option enabled can view the Cancel registration option, both in their own learning plan and in the classes in which they are registered, which were viewed from the catalog.
  • Register all users: when enabled, allows registering other users in training courses, tracks and classes available in the catalog. Users who have this option enabled can view the Register users option in the catalog items.
Page and widget of the Registration requests My pending issues feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display pending registration requests and actions that can be performed on them.PAGERegistration requests - pageenrollrequestsFor details, go to Page permission options.
Registration requestsFor details, go to Widget permission options.


Page and widget of the Registration management Managing registered students feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display registration statistics and actions that can be performed on them.

PAGERegistration management - pageenrollmanagementFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETRegistration managementFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for registration management.LMSENRLearning - Registration management
  • Manage: when enabled, allows managing registrations in tracks, training courses and classes. Users who have this option enabled can view the Block registration, Unblock registration and Unregister options on the registration management page.


Page and widget of the Change registration status feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu– that display the status of the registrations and actions that can be performed on them.PAGELearning - Change of registration statusstatus - pageenrollchangestatusFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETChange registration statusFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for registration status management.LMSMENLearning - Change of registration status
  • Status: when enabled, allows changing registration status in classes. The user who has this option enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for changing the status of registrations in the subject or class registration and can view the options Edit – to edit the student score –, Pass student, Fail student and Cancel registration on the page where they can change the status of the registrations.

Specific permission for creating registration records via API.
LMSHISLearning - Registration history
  • Create history of performed registrations via API: when enabled, allows creating a registration record – via API – for a user who completed a track, training course or class on another learning platform, since this item is not registered in the learning catalogs, thus allowing the student to have their complete history.

Page and widget of the End classes feature – belonging to the Registrations item, which, in turn, belongs to the Learning item in the main menu – that display the classes that have not yet finished and are under the responsibility of the authenticated user.PAGEEnd classes - pagefinishclassesFor details, go to Page permission options.
WIDGETEnd classFor details, go to Widget permission options.
Specific permission for manually ending classes.LMSMFNLearning - Manually ending classes
  • Access: when enabled, allows ending classes manually, that is, the user who has this permission enabled is qualified to be defined as the one responsible for ending classes manually in the subject or class registration and can view the End class option on the page where they can end classes.
