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DescriçãoTipoNome do recursoOpções de permissão

Page for the Favorites item from the main menu, where favorite documents, processes, users and communities are grouped.PAGEFavoritos - principalfovoritesFor details, go to Page permission options.

Page and widget for the Social favorites feature – belonging to the Favorites item from the main menu – which allows viewing the communities and users defined as favorites.PAGEContatos Favoritos - pagecontactfavorites

For details, go to Page permission options.

WIDGETFavoritos sociaisFor details, go to Widget permission options.


DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options
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Page for the Social item from the main menu, which allows accessing the latest news and comments posted by the user or their social network friends, such as followers or community members.

PAGEMural - socialFor details, go to Page permission options.


DescriçãoTipoNome do recursoOpções de permissão

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Page for the Communities item from the main menu, which allows viewing the participating communities, followed users and followers.

PAGEComunidades - communitiesFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Feature that allows configuring permissions to support, comment, share or report posts in existing communities; to edit the community, comments and posts; to configure notifications and manage moderators and users.COMMUNITYCommunity name
  • Post: Allows posting on the community timeline, and, if enabled by the administrator, it is possible to post documents, pictures, images, videos, forms, and articles.

  • Support: when enabled, allows expressing interest in a post.

  • Comment: when enabled, allows adding comments to a post.

  • Share: when enabled, allows sharing a post with other users or communities.

  • Report: when enabled, allows reporting allegedly inappropriate posts in the community.

  • Edit profile: when enabled, allows selected groups to edit the community.

  • Edit posts and comments: when enabled, allows community participants to change the posts and comments on the timeline.

  • Notify new posts: when enabled, allows community participants to enable post notifications to be received.

  • Notify in the community: when enabled, allows community participants to enable notifications for all posts made by the community to be received.

  • Manage users: when enabled, allows managing community members.

  • Manage moderators: when enabled, allows managing community moderators.

Control Panel - Collaboration

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

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Page for the Control Panel item from the main menu, which allows accessing and managing platform settings.PAGEPainel de Controle - cpaneladminFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page in the Collaboration tab in the Control Panel, which allows accessing and managing the platform’s social settings.PAGEColaboração - ecmcolaborationpanelFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the Users’ Invitation  feature in the Collaboration tab, which allows sending e-mail invitations to individuals, encouraging them to join the platform.PAGEConvite de usuários - invite

For details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the Reports feature in the Collaboration tab, which allows managing the reports made by users in the social features.

PAGECentral de denúncias - denounceFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the Communities feature in the Collaboration tab, which allows adding, enabling or disabling communities, defining relationship clouds in which to insert the community, as well as permissions on various actions in the community.PAGEComunidades - communityadmFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the Blacklisted words feature in the Collaboration tab, which allows adding words that should not be posted on the platform. When a user uses such words in a post, it will be reported automatically by the system, and the post will not be displayed on the timeline.
PAGEPalavras restritas - profanityfilterFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the Relationship cloud feature in the Collaboration tab, which allows restricting access tosocial content posted by certain users, user groups or communities.PAGENuvens de relacionamento - accesscontroladmFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the Notifications feature in the Collaboration tab, which allows defining how to send notifications to platform users.PAGENotificações - tenantalertconfigFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the Messaging feature in the Collaboration tab, which allows platform users to communicate with each other using an instant communication tool.PAGEMessaging - messagingadminFor details, go to Page permission options.

Fluig page

DescriptionTypeFeature namePermission options

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Fluig page from the main menu, which allows accessing the platform’s commercial pages, documentation and training courses.PAGEFluig - fluigpageFor details, go to Page permission options.

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Page for the fluig Store items (in portuguese) feature on the fluig page, which allows getting and installing custom experiences directly on the platform.PAGEItens da Store - storeitemspageFor details, go to Page permission options.

Separate widgets - Social

DescriçãoTipoNome do recursoOpções de permissão

Image Added

Widget for the Timeline feature – belonging to the Social and Community item in the main menu – which allows viewing and interacting with posts made by platform members, whether in communities or on the social timeline.WIDGETSocial TimelineFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Image Added 

Widget for the New post feature that allows creating posts in communities and on the social timeline.WIDGETNova publicaçãoFor details, go to Widget permission options.

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Widget for the Community browsing feature that allows browsing community galleries.WIDGETNavegação de comunidadesFor details, go to Widget permission options.

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Notification wall widget that allows displaying notifications on pages.WIDGETAvisosFor details, go to Widget permission options.

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Widget for the Tags cloud feature that allows viewing the most popular tags of a community or of the entire platform.WIDGETNuvem de TagsFor details, go to Widget permission options.

Separate widgets - Portals

DescriçãoTipoNome do recursoOpções de permissão

 Image Added

Widget for the Security Data feature that allows viewing groups and relationship clouds associated to the user.WIDGETDados de SegurançaFor details, go to Widget permission options.

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Widget for the Content editor feature that allows customizing pages and communities with the content of your choice.WIDGETEditor de conteúdoFor details, go to Widget permission options.

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Widget for the WEB address feature that allows accessing Web addresses directly from the platform.WIDGETEndereço WEBFor details, go to Widget permission options.


This documentation is valid as of update 1.6.2. Previous updates may contain different information than what you see on your platform.