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Speaking of



REST services Services allow you to safely access features and services outside the platform, using the authentication protocols OAuth 1, OAuth 2, and Basic authentication. This  
This feature allows you to register , and configure and test these services.  For For more technical and detailed information, see  see REST services Services client authorization.

Basic path

01. From In the main menu, click on Control panelPanel.

02. Click on In the WCM General tab, click Services.

03Click on REST Services.

04. View the existing REST services.

Alternative paths

Add REST service

. View available services

Alternative paths

Filtering by type

01. Select the type(s) of service(s) to be viewed: SOAP, JDBC or REST.

02. The information on the selected filter(s) is listed below.

Adding services

01. In the REST Services window, click on Add New service.

02. Select the type of service to be added: SOAP, JDBC or REST.

03. Enter the required information.


The fields highlighted with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Service identification code. 

Address corresponding to the service domain. Example:

Authentication type
Authentication protocol that will be used by the service. The available options are:
- OAuth 1;
- OAuth 2;
- Basic.

Consumer key
 Key to access the service. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 1".

Consumer secret
 Secrete key to access the service. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 1".

Access token
 Token to access the service. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 1" or "Rest OAuth 2".

Secret token
Secrete token to access the service. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 1".

Access token URL
URL for the token used to access the provider. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 1".

Token request URL
URL for the token used to request the provider. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 1".

User authorization URL
URL for the user's access authorization to the provider. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 1".

Client Id.
Unique client key. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 2". 

Client secret
Secret client key. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 2".  

Refresh token
Key to refresh token. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 2".  

Refresh token URL
URL to refresh token. This field is only displayed when the selected option in the Authentication type field is "Rest OAuth 2".

User sent in the request header.

Password sent in the request header. 

Password confirmation
Confirmation of password sent in the request header.

URL for service test
Endpoint GET to test authentication of access to the provider

When the selected type is SOAP, the fields to be filled are:

  • Name: to this field, add a name for the service to be registered.
  • Description: to this field, add a description for the service.
  • URL: to this field, add the URL of the webservice to be used.
  • Bindingfile: The binding file will only be used for services created using CXF API. To add it, simply click Choose file in the Binding File field and add it.
    For more details about binding, see our technical documentation on  Integration with External Applications

When the selected type is REST, the fields to be filled are:

  • Name: to this field, add a name for the service to be registered.
  • Description: to this field, add a description for the service.
  • Domain: in this field, add the service domain.
  • Authentication type: in this field, select the type of authentication: Custom, Basic, None, Rest oauth 1, Rest oauth 2.
  • URL for service test: in this field, add get endpoint for provider authentication test.

When the selected type is JDBC, the fields to be filled are:

  • Name: to this field, add a name for the service to be registered.
  • Description: to this field, add a description for the service.
  • Driver: in this field, select the driver of your choice: MySQL, SQLServer or Oracle.
  • URL: to this field, add the URL of the webservice to be used.
  • User: database access user.
  • Password: database access password.

04. Click Save.

03. Click on Save.

Edit REST service 



For more details about the fields displayed, see Add REST service.

04 . Click on Save.


Editing services

01. On  In the REST services Services window, select the service to be removededited.

02. Click Delete Edit, in the right corner of the screen, indicated by the pencil icon.

03. In the message that opens, click on Confirm to remove the service.


 Change the information of your choice.

04. Click Save.

Testing REST services

01. In the Services window, select the Rest service to be tested.


Only REST services have the test option.

02. Click Test service, located to the right side of the Delete icon

Deleting services


01. On  In the REST services Services window, select the service that you wish to testbe deleted.

02. Click on Test service Delete.

03. In the window displayedpop-up message, click on Test service again.04. View the result in the Test return table, which is displayed after the service test has finished Yes, delete service to confirm deletion of the service.

titlePlease note!

This documentation is valid as of the 1.5.10 update. If you use a previous update, it may contain information different from what you see on your platform.