Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • To avoid distortion, the new icons chosen for custom pages will be resized to the default size (50 x 30 pixels) and no longer cropped. Icons that are smaller than the default size will be enlarged for this resolution.
  • The Intranet Kit component, available in Git fluig, was fixed to support installation in environments with Load Balancer and Update 1.6 or higher. The lack of support for this type of architecture resulted in inconsistencies in widgets such as Slideshow.
  • Fixed the feature to change the favicon in the theme of the company, which was not applying the icon established by the administrator.


  • Added visual identification when using the feature to Drag and Drop files in fluig Messaging. When dragging a file over a fluig Messaging conversation, the area is highlighted and the message “Drop your files here” is displayed.
