Páginas filhas
  • Registering a Script (CTBA240 - SIGACTB)

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  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


In some cases, you may delete the whole consolidated company and generate its data afresh. Be careful not to delete, by mistake, data of your consolidated company!



Making consolidation script effective:

1. Configure parameter MV_CONSOLD in Configurator module.

This parameter controls which company/branch shall receive consolidation data.

Never configure it with origin companies/branches of data, in order to avoid the risk of losing company's original data.


Suppose that consolidation of a specific company follows the rule below:

Company: 30        Branch: 01

MV_CONSOLD = 3001        (company+branch)

The company/branch indicated in the parameter is updated. Therefore, the consolidation script must be registered in this company/branch.

Image ModifiedTip:

If more consolidated companies are needed, separate the content by "/":

To register the consolidation script for other companies, use the character "/" to separate them while configuring the parameter.

Example: MV_CONSOLD = 3001/5001

2. In the Consolidation Script register, fill out data according to the field's help. Note that:

    • The upper part of the screen (Header area) refers to the record to be generated in the Consolidated company.
    • The lower part of the screen (Items area) refers to entities of origin companies. For each new entity created in the consolidated company, there may be up to 999 rows for compositions of their values from the origin companies.
    • You must execute the routine Config.Consolid., in Miscellaneous menu, to execute the script registered.

See Configured Consolidation.