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Do you want to understand how to calculate a topic grade? Go to Calculating topic grades for classes and learn all about it.


Create new topic


01. After clicking Create topic in the subject class where the topic will be created, enter the required information.


06. Click Save; or Cancel to quit creating the class topic.


Editing class topics


To edit a topic, you are required to have, at least, modification permission on the class to which it belongs.


05. Click Save; or Cancel to discard the changes made.

Copying class topics


To copy a topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the target class.


When clicking this button, a copy of the topic is created in the set location.

Moving class topics


To move a topic, you are required to have, at least, deletion permission on the class to which it belongs and modification permission on the target class.


When clicking this button, the topic item is moved to the set location.

Deactivating class topics


To deactivate a topic, you are required to have, at least, modification permission on the class to which it belongs.


04. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm deactivation of the topic; or No to cancel the action.

Reactivating class topics


To reactivate a topic, you are required to have, at least, modification permission on the class to which it belongs.


04. In the pop-up message, click OK to confirm reactivation of the topic; or No to cancel the action.

Deleting class topics


To delete a topic, you are required to have, at least, deletion permission on the class to which it belongs.


04. In the pop-up message, click Yes to confirm deletion of the class topic; or No to cancel the action.

Creating URL items in class topics


To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.


When clicking this button, it opens a window where it is possible to add a URL as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see URL topic item.

Creating training/track items in class topics


To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.


When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add a training course or track as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Training/track topic item.

Creating content items in class topics


To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.


When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add content as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Content topic item.

Creating evaluation items in class topics


To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.


When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add an evaluation as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Evaluation topic item.

Creating extracurricular activity items in class topics


To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.


When clicking this button, it opens a window where you can add an extracurricular activity as a topic item. For more information about available actions, see Extracurricular activity topic item.

Creating separate items in class topics


To create an item in the topic, you are required to have, at least, writing permission on the class to which the topic belongs.
