Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


Finally, once the session has ended, the tab attended sessions displays the event sessions that the user attended, allowing for viewing their information, supporting material, participants, among others.


View events


01. In the main menu, place the mouse over Learning.


03. View invitations to events, created events, check events that have ended and those that were declined, as well as view information related to event sessions the user have attended.


Create event


01. Click Create event.

02. Enter the requested information to the event.



To save the current session and enter a new one, click Add/save current one.

To return to the event, press Back.

Edit event


01. Click the tab My events.


04. Click Save to confirm your changes, Save and create sessions to create or edit event sessions or Cancel if you wish to discard the changes made.

Remove event


01. Press the Invitations tab.



When removing an event that has virtual sessions, these sessions and their virtual rooms are also removed, as well as the entire history for the respective conversations. 

Edit session


01. Click the tab My events.


03. Change the chosen information. Find information about the displayed fields in the alternative path create event.

04. Press Save.

Close session


01. In the Task Central, select the task that corresponds to the session you want to close in the Learning Activities tab.



When ending a virtual session of an event, your virtual room is deleted from messaging and its access task is removed from the participants’ Task Central.

The session minutes can be found in the My sessions tab, by pressing Session information.

Remove session


01. Click the tab My events.



When removing a virtual session, its entire history is also removed, including its virtual room and the messaging conversation history. 

RSVP to an event


01. Press the tab Invitations.



After RSVPing to an event session, it is displayed in the tab Attended Sessions.

It is also possible to RSVP to an event via Task Central, from the task “Invitation to the event [Event name]”.

If the session is virtual, the participation can be confirmed even after its start. In this case, the participant receives a new conversation notification on the platform’s top bar, from which they can enter the event’s virtual room.

Cancel attendance in an event


01. Press the tab Invitations.



After confirming the cancellation of the session attendance, it will be removed from the tab Attended Sessions. 

Decline event


01. Press the tab Invitations.



After declining an event, it will be displayed in the tabDeclined and removed from the tab Invitations.

It is also possible to decline an event via task central, from the task “Invitation to the event [Event name]”.

Attend declined event


01. Press the tab Declined.



Find more information in the alternative path RSVP to an event. 

View Information on closed session


01. Press the tab Attended sessions.



In addition to the event’s basic information and statistics, it is possible to view its supporting material and the closing minutes of the session.  

View information of the closed event


01. Press tab Concluded.

02. In the table corresponding to the session whose information you wish to view, press Event information.
