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  • Update of Differential Dictionary

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Update of Differential Dictionary

Procedure to Update Differential Dictionary of Protheus 12


Microsiga Protheus



Step by Step:

1. Preparing the base for updating - Make a cold backup (with stopped services) of the root folder of Protheus (Ex.: C:\TOTVS 12) and Database - We recommend the process to be initially executed int homologation environment and that these most important processes for the operation of the company to be validated
2. Updating files Updating data dictionary files (Differential - SDFBRA.txt) of the release version you want to update, and also the Differential Help file (HLPDFPOR.txt), in case there is any. To update dictionary, follow the procedure below:

  • Access the Customer Portal: {+}http://suporte.totvs.com+ - Downloads Button - Protheus Line - Microsiga Protheus Version 12.1.XX (where XX is the Release version of P12 you will use) - Data Dictionary - Category: Data dictionary - Download the file of DIFFERENTIAL DATA DICTIONARY - BRAZIL that is recommended by the support team
    Note: if versions are not being displayed, in "Filters of packages", select "All packages available", then select the category again. After downloading, unzip the file SDFBRA.TXT in Protheus Systemload folder.

    If you use the Appserver in Linux, transfer zipped file for Linux, and only unzip it in Linux. Unzip file in Windows, then transfer .txt for Linux may cause errors.

    3. Cleaning Folders - Delete files *.DBF e *.DTC of SYSTEMLOAD folder - Delete files *.IDX of folder SYSTEMLOAD - Delete files *.LOG of folder SYSTEM - Delete files TOTVSP.** of folder SYSTEM - Delete files *.TSK and .LOG of folder APPSERVER_X32
    4. Executing Updating Program - Open the Smartclient, and in the Initial Program, enter: UPDDISTR * Further details on the functionality of UPDDISTR may be found in this link: Dictionary and database updater - UPDDISTR
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  • Select the company(ies) to migrate the Release, then click OK.
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  • After selecting company(ies), a screen with recommendations of backup and free space. Click Next.
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  • Then, the screens of the Acceptance Term which is necessary to proceed with the process. Read carefully, select the acceptances, and go ahead.
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  • On the following screen, enter the Admin password, then click Next.
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  • Then, the standard option for the Data Directory and the folder \DATA. Click Next.
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  • On the Configuration screen, it is recommendable to select only the options required and the option Correct errors automatically. Click Next then Next again.
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  • The updating starts. - If the updating has errors, a window displays the errors log, which must be corrected in the base before continuing. Below see the link with the corrections of the most common errors: {+}http://tdn.totvs.com/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=271414000+ - If error is not listed, open a ticket for the Framework Support through the Customer Portal. - At the end of the updating, a window with the this information "The updating process was successfully finalized." is displayed.
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