Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


titleStay tuned for more info!

Refer to the technical documentation to learn more about dataset development.


Displaying datasets


01. In the main menu, click Control Panel, then check Development container and click Datasets.



It is possible to search for a specific dataset through the Search field located on the upper right corner of the window, or use the Filter button to select datasets that will be returned.


Filtering datasets


01. Click the Filter button located on the upper right corner of the window.


06. Click Save.

New advanced dataset


01. Click New Dataset, and click Advanced.

02. In the Code field, enter a code for the dataset.


To avoid inconsistencies, the dataset code and description must not contain special characters (except for “_” and “-”).

03. In the Description field, enter a description for the dataset.


This adds a new advanced dataset record and opens the screen to edit the dataset source code. The source code will be saved as draft before the authenticated user clicks Save. Changes to the source code are only applied to the dataset after the user completes all changes and clicks the Post button. Refer to the technical documentation available here to learn more about building advanced datasets.

Enable offline dataset on mobile



The default setting is No (Off).

Required information:

Use cache on mobile devices?

When enabled, the data in the dataset is stored in cache when used on mobile devices. In this case, the button ON (yes) is displayed, indicating that the feature is active. When set to disable the feature, the button OFF  (no) is displayed, indicating that the feature is disabled.

Mobile cache expiration time

Time in which the stored data is considered valid and remains in the cache of mobile devices before being updated.

Not use cache when the mobile device is online?

When enabled, the data in cache is not queried when the mobile device is online, that is, it is required from the external system.

03. Click Save.


New data created on mobile devices when using the offline mode is only available for query on other forms after the mobile application is synchronized with the fluig server. For more information about this process, go to the step Configuring dataset synchronization on this page.


For Internal datasets, this option is not editable. They are only viewed as default, Internal.
