Árvore de páginas

Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


  • image (gif, jpeg, bmp and jpg, png files);
  • video videos (with wmv1, avi , and mp42 extensions, or YouTube, Vimeo and Kaltura videos registered from their URL);
  • file (txt, pdf and Microsoft Office extensions);
  • link to external content – URL – such as videos, pages, articles, etc.;
  • SCORM 1.2;
  • SCORM created on the Elucidat tool when there is active integration between it and the platform. For more details, see Integration with Elucidat.



Required information:

Name of the content being added.

Keywords related to the content. Words must be separated by space.

Description of the content being added.

Set the content for private use of the owner
When checked, the content is available only to the user who registered it.

03. Click the Upload tab (to add content from a local machine or ), the Elucidat tab (to add content that was created using the Elucidat tool), or the URL tab (to add a link to external content).

04. If you clicked the Upload tab, then click Load file.


08. Find and select the content of your choosing by expanding the listed items.

09. If you click the URL tab, enter its web address.


You can enter URLs of YouTube and Vimeo videos in various formats.
For example:

If it is a Kaltura video, enter its full URL.
For example:


PARTNER_ID, UICONF_ID, UNIQUE_OBJ_ID are Kaltura parameters.

The videos stored in these three platforms are displayed in their own internal player when viewed in training courses. The other URLs are displayed in a new tab.

10. Click Save; or Cancel to quit adding the content.
