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Standardized Entries (CTBA080 - SIGACTB)
Standardized Entries (CTBA080 - SIGACTB)

This file is the link between the various Protheus modules and Management Accounting module. The entire accounting integration is done from data and rules registered here.

Accounting rules are fundamental for correct accounting integration. Therefore, before beginning registration, you must define how each process that generates accounting entries should be integrated.

Once accounting rules are established, processes are automatically accounted with no need for user intervention.

Integration entries can be On-line or Off-line. This is valid for almost all modules of Protheus, except Management Accounting module, since this module only generates on-line entries and Health Care Plan module, which due to the processing volume only generates off-line entries.

  • On-line – entries are generated automatically as processes are run in Protheus.
  • Off-line – all accounting that would be executed by processes are made at he moment the user requests the accounting, through option Off-line Accounting, in Miscellaneous menu, in Protheus modules.


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Standardized entries enable usage of formulas in AdvPl syntax.

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Not all processes have the two Accounting options (On-line and Off-line).

If parameter MV_PRELAN is enabled, accounting entries for integration are compulsorily generated with Type 9 (Pre-entry), ignoring Balance Type configured in Standardized Entries register.



Including standardized entries:

1. In Standardized Entries, select Add.

The system displays the add screen divided into folders, being:

    • Register
    • Entities

In this folder are available the fields where are indicated accounting classifiers that will be used on both title and waiver, depending on the type of transaction configured in the Register folder.

Each field has an associated query, where it is possible to select the type of register that will be affected. It is possible to elect between accounting classifier (account, accounting item, cost center or value class) or a previously registered formula in the routine Formulas.

The routine checks if the accounting classifier or formula are registered to the corresponding catalog.

    • Values

In this folder is registered the value that will have the accounting transaction configured. Available fields allow to save the accounting transaction configured. Available fields allow save accounting transaction value in each currency; therefore fields can accept formulas that return numeric values.

The routine checks that the formula, typed or selected through search, exists in the catalog.

    • History
    • Others Image Removed

The following fields are available in this folder:

Docum. History (Document History) where additional information can be added.

When you add additional information to this field, they are considered while Reprocessing the Balances and printed in Type Checking report.

Journal Code: it allows to enter the Table containing Standard Entries and their process codes.


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Note that some fields are highlighted in blue, characterizing them as mandatory. Inclusion cannot be confirmed if some of these fields is not filled out.

Some fields have default query. To activate it, use the magnifying glass or press F3.

2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. Note the following field:

  • Status

Enter Active if you want the system to make the standard entry or Inactive if you do not. When you set an entry as Inactive, you will not have to delete it every time you do not want this entry to be made. This functionality may be used as a test or as a definitive configuration.

4. Check the data and confirm addition.

Check entries of each area

Each process has its standardized entry established in advance. Below is the list of standardized entries of all Protheus modules:


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Standard Entries of Management Accounting module are available with numbering from 001 to 499. There is no process related to this numbering. Other numberings are used for accounting of processes in other modules during accounting of integration.

See Also

To query the Standardized Entries file, see table CT5 - Standardized Entries in Query Generic Files.

See also Accounting Entries and Selection of Multiple Balance Types.

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