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  • Generating GIA - RJ (MATA950 - SIGAFIN)

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Generating GIA - RJ

1. In Normative Instructions, the routine description is displayed.

2. Click Parameters.

3. Fill out data according to field help

4. Note the following parameters:

Start Date/End Date

Enter the calculation's initial/final dates.

Normative Instruction

Enter configuration file to be used without .INI extension. For this magnetic media, enter GIARJ.

Target File

There is no need to enter it. The routine generates a file with the AAAAMMDDHHmmSS.GIA fixed format:

AAAA = Year of the period when the data are created.

MM = Month of the period when the data are created;

DD = Day of the period when the data are created;

HH = Hour when the data are created;

Mm = Minute when the data are created;

SS = Seconds when the data are created;


Enter the directory's name where the text file created from the calculation is saved.

Example: C:\


Image RemovedImportant:

The directory must be created before doing the ICMS Calculation.

5. Confirm the parameters.

6. Confirm data again.

The GIA-RJ wizard screen is displayed.

7. Observe the following data:


Without mov. of internal operations

Select No if there is any entry in the Tax Records referring to operations of the declarant.

Without mov. tax substitution

Select No if there are withheld tax operations benefiting the State of Rio de Janeiro, subject to the tax substitution system.

Without mov. other ICMS

Select No if there are other ICMS debit operations.

Without mov. ALC/ZFM

Select No if there are operations in Manaus Free-Trade Zone and other Free Trade Zones.

Without centralize by Registration

Select the option No, if you do not want to generate a single file with the selected branches.

Select Yes to have the system generating a file for each selected branch or, if no branches are selected, generate a file for each logged branch.

Select No, only 1 single file will be created for all selected branches, as long as they have the same state registration number.


Image RemovedImportant:

When the file is generated grouped by State Registration, it must first generated the ICMS calculation and select all branches that will be grouped.

I.e., if you want to generate a GIA-RJ grouping branches 01, 02 and 03, first calculate ICMS of branches 01, 02 and 03. If this process is not done, the information generated on GIA-RJ may be incorrect because the calculation is made for one branch Gia-RJ calculated for many branches.

Generating GIA - RJ (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

Legal Representative Data


Enter the name of the statement's legal representative.

Telephone city code

Enter the area code of the statement's legal representative.

Telephone Number

Enter the telephone of the statement's legal representative.

Accountant Data


Enter the name of the statement's accountant.

Telephone city code

Enter the area code of the statement's accountant.

Telephone Number

Enter the telephone of the statement's accountant.


Enter the  e-mail of the person in charge of the statement.


Previous Balance

Enter the value of the statement's previous balance.

TS Previous Balance

Enter the value of the tax substitution's previous balance.


Image RemovedImportant:

Enter the observation to be displayed in the statement.

TS Note:

Enter the tax substitution observation to be displayed in the statement.

SCE Previous Balance

Enter the value of the previous balance of the statement's export credit balance (SCE).


Image RemovedImportant:

This value must be smaller than or equal to the value displayed in the question Previous Balance.

Example: suppose the displayed values are R$ 5,000.00 of accumulated balance, given that R$ 3,000.00 refer to exports. The value of SCE Previous Balance must be entered in the Record of Offset SCE Movement (next wizard).

SCE Energy Credit

Enter the energy credit value of the statement's export credit balance (SCE).

SCE Provision Reversal

Enter the provision reversal value of the statement's export credit balance (SCE).

SCE Provision

Enter the provision value of the statement's export credit balance (SCE).

8. Check data and click Next.

A new wizard screen is displayed.


Image RemovedTip:

The information of the wizard Offset SCE Movement demonstrates the use of accumulated credit balance resulting from exports of the declarant.

For the offset SCE, the R$ 3,000.00 value is debited in the compensated values related ICMS Calculation. Thus, the calculation must feature entries in Other Debits with one of the codes of the event table. This entered value cannot be higher than the items Previous Balance and/or SCE Previous Balance of the previous wizard.

9. Fill out the required data according to field

Further Information

ICMS Calculation Book

Enter the selected book at the moment ICMS calculation is made (Mata953) of the entered period.

Other Debits

Tax Laws

Enter the tax legislation when the code entered is 00094 (Others) in the tab ICMS Calculation, in the row Other Debits, according to the topic Event Table.

Complementary Data

Enter the complementary description regarding other debits.

Credit Reversals

Tax Laws

Enter the tax legislation when the code entered is 00112 (Others) in the tab ICMS Calculation, in the row Credit Reversal, according to the topic Event Table.

Complementary Data

Enter the complementary description regarding credit reversals.

Other Credits

Tax Legislation

Enter the tax legislation when the code entered is 00145 (Others) in the tab ICMS Calculation, in the row Other Credits, according to the topic Event Table.

Complementary Data

Enter the complementary description regarding other credits.

Debit Reversals

Tax Laws

Enter the tax legislation when the code entered is 00148 (Others) in the tab ICMS Calculation, in the row Debit Reversal, according to the topic Event Table.

Complementary Data

Enter the complementary description regarding debit reversals.


Tax Laws

Enter the tax legislation when the code entered is 00158 (Others) in the tab ICMS Calculation, in the row Deductions, according to the topic Event Table.

Complementary Data

Enter the complementary description regarding deductions.

Operations with Special Term

Event Code

Enter the operation event code.

Tax Legislation

Enter the tax legislation when the code entered is 00167 (Others) in the tab ICMS Calculation, in the row Operations with Special Term, according to the topic Event Table.

Complementary Data

Enter the complementary description regarding Operations with Special Term.
