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This routine enables the pre-formatted files generation for sending the information on IPI Deemed Credit.


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Normative Instruction
disposes on calculation, use and presentation of IPI deemed credit information, laid down by Law 9,363, as reimbursement referring to PIS/PASEP and COFINS contributions levied on acquisitions of raw materials (MP), intermediate products (PI) and package materials (ME) in the domestic market.

The IPI deemed credit is a fiscal benefit provided to producers and exporters of Brazilian goods, aiming at decreasing the tax burden on their production. Therefore, the "custo Brasil" (ratio representing the high costs of doing business in Brazil) is reduced and Brazilian goods are more competitive in the international market.


Image RemovedNote:

Refer to the Normative Instruction 313 and its concerning annexes for a better understanding on the generation of magnetic files.


To whom it is applicable


To corporate producer and exporter of national industrialized products.




Presentation of IPI deemed credit information, established by the Law 9,363 dated December 13th, 1996.






Delivery Term


According to request for tax reimbursement or compensation.


Application provided by tax authorities




Version of the application compatible with Microsiga Protheus®


Version 4.6


Where to find it





Decree Law 9,363

Normative Instruction 313 (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

Types of Records Created

Direct export invoices

The information is generated according to: data registered in the company file (SIGAMAT.EMP), processing of outflow movements, Tax Records, Client Register and program parameters.

These pieces of information are generated through the configuration file SRF0313A.INI.

Information on direct exports

The information is generated according to: processing of outflow movements, Tax Records and Client Register.

These pieces of information are generated through the configuration file SRF0313B.INI.

Sales data for the trading company

The information is generated according to: processing of outflow movements, Tax Records and Client Register.

These pieces of information are generated through the configuration file SRF0313C.INI.

Information on credit transfer

The information is generated according to: processing of outflow movements, Tax Records and Client Register.

These pieces of information are generated through the configuration file SRF0313D.INI.

File containing information on credit transfers

The information of this file is generated through the processing of outflow movements, Tax Records and clients.

These pieces of information are generated through the configuration file SRF0313E.INI.

File containing information on credit transfers

The information of this file is generated through the processing of outflow movements, Tax Records and clients.

These pieces of information are generated through the configuration file SRF0313F.INI.

File containing information on credit transfers

The information of this file is generated through the processing of outflow movements, Tax Records and clients.

These pieces of information are generated through the configuration file SRF0313G.INI.

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