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DMS - Corumbá MS (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)
DMS - Corumbá MS (MATA950 - SIGAFIS)

This routine generates the Monthly Statement of Services (DMS) for taxpayers from the city of Corumbá- MS.


To whom it is applicable


Service provider companies, natural or legal persons, ISSQN taxpayers or service contractor companies and declarants.




Declare monthly to the tax authorities information of the services contracted/provided during the period of accrual.


Delivery Term






Municipal - Corumbá - MS


Application provided by tax authorities


DMS - Monthly Statement of Services


Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®




Where to find the application provided by tax authorities





Decree No. 216, dated October 4, 2006.

Types of Records Created

Record Type H - File Identifier

This information is obtained from the Company Record and routine questions.

Record Type E - Information on Invoices Issued

Information obtained through invoices of service outflow, entered in Tax Registers and Customer Record.

Record Type R - Information on Invoices Received

Information obtained through invoices of service inflow, entered in Tax Registers and Customer Record.

Generating DMS - Corumbá

To generate DMS - Corumbá:

1. In Normative Instructions, the routine description screen is displayed.

2. Click Parameters.

The routine parameters are displayed.

3. Configure the parameters according to field help instructions.

4. Note the following data:

Start Date?

Enter the initial date for processing the Normative Instruction.

End Date?

Enter the final date for processing the Normative Instruction.

Normative Instruction?

Enter the configuration file name, without .INI extension. For this magnetic media, enter DMSCO.

Target File?

Enter the destination file name where the information is generated.

Target Directory?

Indicate the directory name where the text file generated from the calculation is saved.

Example: C:\

Select Branches?

Indicate if the branches to be processed are selected. If you select No, only the current branch is considered; if you select Yes, a screen is displayed for you to select branches to be considered.

5. Check parameters and confirm them.

The DMS wizard screens are displayed with specific questions. Click Next and check out the following data:

City Registration

Enter the city registration number of taxpayer company.

DMS Version

Enter the DMS program version.

Example: 301


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