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is a fiscal obligation established by Accrued Value Tax law and consists of providing, on a monthly basis, to the Tax Administration Service (SAT) information on the operations performed with suppliers.

This routine enables the generation of TXT file for sending of information referring to the DIOT, in a complete and simplified format.


To whom it is applicable


To all taxpayers, natural persons and artificial persons subject to IVA taxation and/or taxpayers with register of tax obligation corresponding to IVA.




Federal - Mexico




Provide to Tax Administration Service (SAT) information on operations with its vendors.


Application provided by tax authorities (Fisco)



A-29 - Declaración Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros (Operations with Third Parties Informative Statement) - Complete

A-29 - Declaración Informativa de Operaciones con Terceros - Simplified


Delivery term:




Version of the application contemplated by Microsiga Protheus®


DIOT Program (2007) V.1.0.0 (Simplified)

Program DIOT (2008) V. 1.0.1 (Full)


Where to find the application made available by Tax Authority



Legislation contemplated


Reglas 5.1.12 e 5.1.13 de la Primera Modificacióm a la RMF 2007 publicada en DOF el 2 de julio de 2007 (Rules 5.1.12 and 5.1.13 of First Change of RMF 2007 published in DOF, in July 2, 2007).



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According to General Character Rules, published in the appropriate schedule and format, the natural person included in paragraph V and VIII from article 32 of the Value Added Tax law (IVA) can also present, as from 2008, the IVA Informative Statement.

For the fiscal year of 2007, this obligation is already fulfilled when the natural persons present the information which refers to the article 86, paragraph VIII and 133, paragraph VIII of ISR law, whenever they are required to pay by ISR law.

Data presentation option in simplified electronic format

According to its operations and in accordance with the accounting controls implemented, taxpayer corporations that cannot fulfill the requested information in electronic format A-29 (Informative Statement of Operations with Third Parties) may use the format A-29 (Informative Declaration of Operations with Third Parties-Simplified) during fiscal year of 2007, while effecting the changes to meet the agreement in the format above.

Operations with Third Parties Informative Statement - Simplified

Media for information presentation


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