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Performance Wizard

Helps in the configuration of Parameter SX6 to reach a better performance in the routines of product Microsiga Protheus®. There are also the main links from portal TDN on performance, check the execution Logs with processing time and check if storedprocedures are installed in the environment.

Its usage requires some criteria such as:

Only the Admin user and users in the Admin Group can access the Performance Wizard.

If there is a SX6 Parameter update, it is recommended to use the Wizard exclusively (with no user accessing Microsiga Protheus®).

After updating the SX6 Parameter, it is recommended to restart SmartClient.

There are cases that require DBA Evaluation (Database Admin) to optimize processes directly on database (tunning). Therefore, it is necessary enter a contact with the whole TOTVS INFRA-SERVICES team.

All parameters edited by the Performance Wizard are documented in the Wizard and, at the end of the configuration, the modification Log for future checks is saved.


1.When accessing the Performance Wizard is shown the Welcome wizard.

2.Read the available information and click Next.

3.A screen is displayed with the Accept Terms. Read the content and confirm if you agree with the clauses.

4.Select a Company/Branch and click Next.

5.Select the desired Module/Routine.


The Wizard opens only routines from logged module.


In the module Inventory and Costs select MATA330 - Average Cost Recalculation.

6.In the Performance panel are shown the following folders:





See Also


Modules Microsiga Protheus® full with the functionalities of the Performance Wizard:
