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  1. Product File - percentages defined in fields: COFINS percentage (B1_PCOFINS), PIS Percentage (B1_PPIS), Calculate PIS (B1_PIS), Calculate COFINS (B1_COFINS);
  2. Parameters - percentages defined by the parameters MV_TXPIS and MV_TXCOFIN.
  3. TIO Register - for PIS/COFINS credit/debit purposes, configure fields Calculate PIS/COFINS (F4_PISCOF) and Credit PIS/COFINS (F4_PISCRED).

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In case of returned sales of above classified medication products, the tax must be debited. When the amount of the F4_PISCRED field is equal to Debit, this item amount must be added to the PIS/Cofins calculation basis. When the amount of the F4_PISCRED field is equal to Credit, this item amount must be added to PIS/Cofins calculation basis. Besides registering corresponding classes in the MV_PISNAT and MV_COFINS parameters, you must also register them in the Classes Register.

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