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 PROCON enables the blockage register with telemarketing answered calls in list with .CSV format

Image ModifiedImportant:

The content from field Gera.Con.Blq. equal to No makes the system validate contacts on a blocked phone and not added to the routine lists of Telemarketing, Telesales, Telecollection and Teleservice.



  1. For Contacts Blockage, access option Wizard in Related Features.
  2. Select entity Customer and check the routines you want to block.
  3. Double-click the desired Entity, vies the phone numbers to be selected on the screen, and confirm OK to block.
  4. Click Add enter the phone number, e-mail and status.
  5. Select field Status with 1-Blocked.
  6. On the bottom part of the screen, select the routines to be blocked, and after selecting the Rout. Code field, Confirm it.


See Also

  • Contacts List
  • Tele Service
  • Contacts
  • Customers
  • Service Group