Páginas filhas
  • Transport Cost Turnover (TMSA070 - SIGATMS)

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  • Esta linha foi removida.
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Use this option to control transport cost turnover resulting from trips/vehicles. You can register transport costs related to vehicle/driver turnover manually or automatically, according to trip expenses.

Image AddedImportant:

Expenses producing inventory and financial turnover cannot be entered manually in this routine.

Automatically created transport cost turnover can result from the following routines:

Trip Complement

When transport expenses are entered through the Advances Button [F7].

Refer to the Trip Complement topic.

Inflow Document / In House / In House (Mod. 2)

When prorations are entered per vehicle/trip, or fleet prorations.

In prorations per vehicle/trip, enter expenses related to the trip or vehicle. The cost remains with Pending status until written off by the Trip Complement.

In fleet prorations, enter the expense, and the cost write off is performed automatically.

Teamster Contract

The transport cost is created if there is a freight balance (freight value – advances entered in the trip complement) and if the toll value is entered in the Trip Complement.

Refer to the Trip Complement topic.



To register transport cost turnover:

1. In Transport Cost Turnover, select Add.

The Transport Cost Turnover - Add window is displayed, divided in the following areas:


In this area, the following fields are displayed: document number and date of turnover.


In this area, transport expense related data are displayed, such as: expense code, vehicle, trip's branch of origin, trip number, cost in domestic currency, billed value, balance, etc.

2. In the Header area, fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. Then, complete the items according to field help instructions.

4. To register another expense, press the down arrow and a new line will be displayed for typing.

5. Check and confirm data.

6. Click Caption and check the transport cost turnover status.


See Also