Versões comparadas


  • Esta linha foi adicionada.
  • Esta linha foi removida.
  • A formatação mudou.


This routine meets the New Invoicing System, Normative Instruction 10-0016-07 and it is destined to all individuals and companies that need to issue invoices or equivalent tax documents, through a computer-based system.

Image ModifiedTip:

For further information on Normative Instruction, access:



  • Before generating the magnetic file, the configuration files NI and DAVINCIV.INI must be in the directory that corresponds to the Microsiga Protheus®\system.


6. Check parameters and click Finish.

Image ModifiedImportant:

If necessary to register information regarding lost or not used invoices, use the routine Final Adjustments, available in the menu Miscellaneous/Adjustments.


See Also

Exibir filhos