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New Invoicing System - Bolivia (MATA992 - SIGAFIS)
New Invoicing System - Bolivia (MATA992 - SIGAFIS)

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Control lots of forms automatically or manually printed. Moreover, information registered in this file are used to generate control codes that must be printed in the invoice.

The form control is designated for all individuals or legal entities that, since the New Invoice System is in effect (Rule Resolution of Directory 10-0016-07), need to issue invoices using an automated system.


To register Form Control - Bolivia:

1. In Forms Control, select option Add.

The add screen is displayed.

2. Fill out data according to following information:

Expiring Date.

Enter limit date of invoice issuance.


Inform if lot is 1 - manually or 2 - automatically issued.


Enter the tax document series authorized for printing.


Enter type of invoice.

Initial Number

Enter the initial form number authorized for printing.

Final Number

Enter the final form number authorized for printing.

Authorized Number

Enter printing number authorized by Tax Authorities.

Control Code

Enter control code printed in invoices for lots of manual printing; for lots of automatic printing, this code is automatically generated by the system.

Dosif. Key

Enter dosificación key, supplied by Tax Authorities.

3. Check and confirm the data.
