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The fields highlighted with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Required information:

Company identifying number.

Company identifying code. It is not allowed to insert diacritics and special characters.

Company corporate name or DBA.

CNPJ (Corporate Taxpayer Registration Number)
Company CNPJ [Corporate taxpayer registration number].

Default directory
Physical localization (path) of the directory to be used as the company’s standard volume. This directory must be empty and its name must not contain diacritics or special characters. (for example, D:\Volume). This directory should be empty, should not be used in any other company of the platform, and should not be created in the fluig installation directory. Its name cannot contain accents and special characters.

Important: if the platform is installed in a cloud environment, the cloud service team must be called to perform this configuration.

Close Identity session during logoff
When checked, it means the session in Identity will be closed when closing the platform session.

Enable thumbnail generation
When checked, it means that the generation of thumbnails will be enabled at the company.

Remove volume when deleting company
When checked, it means that, when excluding a company, the standard volume it uses will also be deleted.

Use implementation wizard for rapid deployment on first access
When checked, it means that the quick deployment wizard will be shown on the first access the administrator of the company performs on the platform, which will guide him to install components in accordance with the company's business profile. Information on the use of the quick deployment wizard can be obtained at Quick deployment wizard.
