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52398-Most Frequent Doubts in the Electronic Charge - EMS2
52398-Most Frequent Doubts in the Electronic Charge - EMS2

FAQ: 52398-Most Frequent Doubts in the Electronic Charge - EMS2
52398-Most Frequent Doubts in the Electronic Charge - EMS2
Most Frequent Doubts in the Electronic Charge - EMS2
Electronic Collection Most Frequent Doubts1 – What bases have layouts supported by EMS2/MAGNUS?
Ans.:Bases can be verified through program CR0901 button Bases. 2 – I’m doing the electronic dispatch and message "There is no document in the selection entered" is displayed, what should I check?
* Verify if the document has not been sent to Bank already (CR0709);
* Verify if the document is in bearer to which dispatch is being done (CR0709);
* Verify if the document is between Minimum and Maximum Term of Dispatch (CD0901);
* If the company is responsible for printing the bank slip the document should have a banking number.
This responsibility is entered through CD0901 field "Print Bank Slip".If the Bank prints bank slips there is no need for banking numbering is entered in the document;
* Documents linked to statement are not sent to bank, so it is necessary to verify if the document has a statement number;
 3 – Does printing of bank slip of CR generate the banking number in the documents?
Ans.:CR0514 only generates the banking number for Banco Real banking slips, this is because the rule for calculation is sequential (previous + 1). For other Banks, the banking number should be entered manually through program CR0504 or CR0906.
Note:Printing of bank slip and the generation of banking number can be done on Invoicing print through programs FT0513, FT0514 or FT0515. 4 – I’m doing a dispatch to Banco Real and it returns an error referring to field currency.What should I do?
Ans.:EMS2 do an exchange of electronic files with Banco Real through two layouts (10 Messages and 20 Messages).Layout of 10msgs generates 77 in position 392 and of 20 msgs generates 07 positions 392, so it is necessary to verify with the Bank what is the layout being used by the customer and parameterize it through program CD0901 folder Electronic Collection.
Magnus works only with layout of 10 messages. 5 – What Bases can execute Discounted Electronic Collection?
Ans.:EMS2 and Magnus only execute collection discounted for Banco do Brasil.
For such, one should send the documents to the bank in a bearer with portfolio 51 and with modality Simple Collection.When importing the file of bank return (CR/0902), a statement will be created with those documents. The documents will be downloaded automatically by CR/0902 according to the files of bank return. 6 – What is the standard of layout used for Electronic Collection?
Ans.:Electronic Collection uses standard CNAB400. 7 – How can I parameterize the Banking instructions?
Ans.:FAQ 52396. 8 – To change the status of dispatched to the Bank of document, how should I proceed?
Ans.:Use program CR0906. 9 – What is the function of parameter "RE-PRINT REJECTED" in program CR0902?
Ans.:In the parameter of program CR0902 (Received Trans Update), there is a field "RE-PRINT REJECTED".Checking this parameter if some document is rejected by the bank, the program of electronic collection will indicate in field of transaction dispatch as "NO", leaving the document ready for a new remit.
It is important to verify the reason of rejection in the Bank.Without the problem correction you’re not advised to do a new dispatch because it will probably occur the same rejection. 10 – Why aren’t fields Return Credit Dt, Banking System, EDI Partner, Min Term for Dispatch, Max Term of Dispatch, Participation % and Next CR Remit being enabled on the creen of Bearer Maintenance, folder Electr. Charge?
Ans.:Verify on screen of Company Maintenance if field of country is other than "Brazil", if it is, those fields will be disabled.
Characteristics of the layout programs
(For program customizations)
cr0901am.p - Interchange                 
p  - 001  Banco Brasil           
cr0901b.p  - 038  Banestado              
cr0901c.p  - 399  HSBC                   
cr0901d.p  - 237  Bradesco               
cr0901e.p  - 341  Itau                   
cr0901f.p  - 415  Nacional               
cr0901g.p  - 347  Sudameris           
cr0901h.p  - 033  Banespa                
cr0901i.p  - 479  Boston                 
cr0901j.p  - 244  Cidade                 
cr0901k.p  - 422  Safra                  
cr0901l.p  - 346  Frances                
cr0901aq.p - 392  Finasa                 
cr0901m.p  - 275  Real - 10 Mensagens                       
cr0901mm.p - 275  Real - 20 Mensagens    
cr0901n.p  - 424  Noroeste               
cr0901o.p  - 453  Rural                  
cr0901p.p  - 409  Unibanco               
cr0901q.p  - 745  Citibank               
cr0901r.p  - 456  Tokyo                  
cr0901s.p  - 041  Banrisul               
cr0901aa.p - 353  Geral do Comercio      
cr0901ab.p - 230  Bandeirantes           
cr0901ac.p - 334  Economico              
cr0901ad.p - 231  Boavista               
cr0901ae.p - 215  America do Sul         
cr0901af.p - 351  Bozano                 
cr0901ag.p - 291  BCN                    
cr0901ah.p - 394  BMC                    
cr0901ai.p - 641  Excel Econômico        
cr0901aj.p - 320  Bicbanco               
cr0901ak.p - 224  Fibra                  
cr0901al.p - 008  Meridional             
cr0901ao.p - 104  Caixa Economica Federal
cr0901me.p - 389  Mercantil do Brasil    
cr0901ap.p - 027  BESC                   
  i1 – Responsible for generation of Detail Record
 .i2 – Responsible for the generation of Record Header
m.i3 – Responsible for the search of the banking instruction.i4 – Responsible for the generation of the Trailer Record