Páginas filhas
  • Microsiga Protheus® and Intellector Integration (Billing - SIGAFAT)

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  • MV_TIPACRD: defines how the credit analysis is performed. Displays the options 1=SIGACRD (default) and 2=INTELLECTOR.
  • MV_TOLUSUA: defines the executor user of Intellector.
  • MV_TOLSENH: defines the executor password of Intellector.
  • MV_TOLURL: WSDL Intellector. Defines the path of server connection in which the Intellector is installed.
  • MV_TOLPOVE: defines the name of the sales policy created in the Intellector.
  • MV_TOLPOCL: defines the name of the customer policy created in the Intellector.
  • MV_TOLTIVE: defines the name of the sales policy released in the Intellector. The policy type is provided with the product license.
  • MV_TOLTICL: defines the name of the customer policy released in the Intellector. The policy type is provided with the product license.
  • MV_TOLLAYO: defines the layout created in the Intellector.


It is a tool in which the user can configure the business rule according to the need, through the construction of credit policies.
