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Product Query (MATC050 - SIGACOM)
Product Query (MATC050 - SIGACOM)

Product query provides the user with information relevant to the product, such as:

. Registration Data

. Binding of Product x Customer, Product x Supplier, and Group x Supplier

. Pending Transactions

. Sales Forecast

. History of Transaction

. Balances and Consumption

. Totals


Confirming the query about products registered:

  1. In the maintenance window of Query Product, press [F12].

A window is displayed to configure the parameters.

2. Fill out data according to field help instructions.

3. Check data and confirm the parameterization.

The maintenance window of Query Product is displayed. Two options are available to help query:

. Expand All Views: By clicking this option, the view of all items is expanded.

. Expand Query Selected: Place the cursor on the item you want to query and click Expand Query Selected. Product information is processed by the system, and it is displayed as follows:

Registration Data

The main data of Product Register are displayed. Some fields are Code, Measurement Unit, and information concerning the material control, such as: Order Point, Economic Lot, and Safety Stock.

Pending Transactions

In this option, pending orders, purchase requests, allocation, production orders, and sales forecast are displayed.

History of Transactions

If there are transactions with the product, they are reported in this option.

Internal Entries

It lists the product internal transactions (Request/Return).

Balances and Consumption

Product consumption of the last 12 months is displayed.

Balances per Warehouse

It displays information concerning the balances of products in their warehouses.

General Total

The corresponding totals are calculated and displayed in this query option.

Balance Projection

It lists the Initial Balance, Inflow Amount, Outflow Amount, and Final Balance of the product per day.

4. Check data and confirm them to exit.

See Also

The following reports are provided for the Product query:
